Too Sweet

Okay, Here's My Deal...
My husband says it is because I am too sweet. Yeah, that's it.
If you read my posts at all with any regualrity, then you know we have a cat and we used to have a dog until it (a) ran away or (b) was dognapped several weeks ago.
Anywho (I really hate that, but seems okay for now) we got fleas in the house. We have put down the powder and vacuumed; we have bathed, flea-collared and sprayed the cat; we have bombed the house. Hopefully, that will take care of the problem. But, on to my deal...
I am the ONLY person in the house that the fleas have any interest in whatsoever!! I am the only one getting bit and scratching. I have bites all over: my ankles, my toes, my feet, my calves, my thinghs, my back, my upper arm, and, YES, my behind--that is an interesting place to have itchy, oozy bites!! It has been going on for weeks and it is getting old. Nothing seems to help the itching and I can't keep my fingernails short enough. The cricket war of last year pales in comparision to this.
Oh boy do I feel for ya! We have not had t hat adventure yet, but could I ever tell you a story about LICE! UGH! (thank goodness that was one occurance that I pray will never happen again!)
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