A Spoonful of Sugar

Okay, Here's My Deal...
We are treating our oldest for an ear infection and strep throat. Good times.
Actually, it is not too bad except for trying to get him to take the medicine. For parents of toddlers and preschoolers you know exactly what I mean.
He is too old for the syringes and anyway, just the sight of them makes him freak out because he knows what is in them.
And it is a crapshoot as to whether or not he will willingly sip from a dosing cup or if we need to hog tie him to get it down his throat only to have him gag and spit it out.
Sometimes a straw works and he thinks it is a game.
Tonight we tried mixing it in with some milk and that worked except that we gave him too much milk and it was hard for him to drink in one dose.
Someone should invent an antibiotic patch. I know they put ritalin in a patch now.
Just wanted to share our pain.
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