Bumps, Bruises and Bugs

We went to the park yesterday to take advantage of a really nice fall Iowa day. After all was said and done, our oldest son had had a rough day, but came out fine in the end.
There were two incidents that could have been bad, but actually ended up minor. The first was the realization that sometimes it is not a good thing to go down a slide backwards--because you can simply go flying off of the end and land flat on your back on a pile of wood chips. He got up a little shaken, but fine and after being dusted off went on about playing.
About an hour later, he wanted to swing. He got in one that was a cross between a "real" swing and a "baby" swing...it was like the ones you can put your legs through, but instead of plastic all the way around, it was halfway around with a seatbelt like in grocery carts. He got in and I was pushing and he loved it and I pushed harder and he went higher and then he flew right out of the swing and landed flat on his belly. He got up a little more shaken, but fine and after being dusted off he went on about playing.
Good for him. Me, I am not so stick to it when it comes to sports and stuff. Here is a sample of my fifth grade year, the first year we could play comepetitive sports against other schools:
- Volleyball. I was in the front row and a girl on the other team spiked the ball and it hit me on th head. I never went out for volleyball again.
- Basketball. It was stil 6 on 6 in Iowa then and the girl who was guarding me wanted the ball. When the ref wasn't looking, she punched me in the stomach so I would drop it. I never went out for basketball again.
- Track. I liked the 50 yard dash. At the end of one race as I crossed the finish line, I swallowed a bug. In the mile run, I twisted my ankle. I never ran track again.
- Softball. I liked it and never got hurt, but it was too slow moving for me.
This is why I am to this day a chunky gal. Athletics were never my thing. I hope better for my boys...I hope they take after their father.
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