All Kinds of Crazy

Okay, Here's My Deal...
This week is homecoming week at our high school. Now, when I was in high school this was a huge thing...note that I said high school. I honestly don't remember anything being done in my middle school or in elementary school to celebrate homecoming.
Well, I teach in a middle school and for the past several years, we have started to be more involved in the homecoming thing. It began innocently enough as some dress up days like Twin Day (remember your motorcycle leather wearing twin, my gifted Ohio friend?!?!) and Pajama Day and Hawaiian Day. Fine, I can deal with that--it was my favorite part during homecoming when I was actually in HIGH school. Next, we moved on to including a pep assembly at the end of the day of the big game...fine. Now, for the second year in a row we have gone completely over the edge, in my opinion, but what do I know?
We run a one hour late start schedule each day so that the cheerleaders and dance team and athletes from the HIGH school can come over for a pep assembly to start the day...then have shortened classes the rest of the day. We do this for the first three days of the week. Then, on Thursday, it is a regualr schedule day but still a dress up one. Finally, we end the week with a pep assembly Friday morning and then spend two hours with our kids (in a homeroom type setting) building graham cracker, frosting and assorted other candies and food structures in a contest against otehr classrooms--it is actually about an hour's too much time, again, in my opinion--then we go to our sacred cow of fourth hour that never ever gets changed because of how our lunch rotation goes and after lunch we return to the auditorium to have the awards for the things we built in the morning. We are then releasedearly from school so that everyone can attend the homecoming parade put on by the HIGH school for the HIGH SCHOOL's homecoming celebration to get pumped up for the HIGH SCHOOL game that night.
I see how all kinds of crazy our kids get by the end of this week and I can not even imagine what it is like to be a teacher in the school this week. God bless them even more than normal!!
I know what you mean about it being a crazy week, and yes, I remember my biker comment! It is amazing how much time we are wasting from instruction. It makes it hard to complain about not enough time to cover your material!
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