Ironic Twist

Okay, Here's My Deal...
ironic, [ahy-ron-ik] , adjective: characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is; "madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker"; "it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely"
I know that sometimes people use the word ironic to describe things that truly are not ironic. I think the situation that I am about to describe is ironic, but maybe not. Either way, I think it is humorous. Well, not the situation exactly, but my husband's reaction to it, rather.
We have been together almost 12 years and married almost 10 and 1/2. We live in Iowa and of course it snows here quite a bit in the winter. Well, my husband has held off for 10 winters to buy a "real" snow shovel--he usually borrowed one from his place of work and took it back the next day and just used an old broom or one of those scoops designed more to push the snow rather than lift and toss it. He was so glad he got it and used it once or twice before we went to NC for Christmas.
While we were gone, our babysitter offered to come over and check in on the cat and scoop her box. The morning we were getting ready to leave, she called to tell us that we had gotten about 10 inches of snow while we were gone. She said she came one day with her shovel but saw ours out so she used it. The next time she came, there were footprints up to our steps and the shovel was gone!! I told him and he said, "WHAT?!?!" He was pi$$ed off. "I wait ten years to buy a shovel and somebody steals it!!!!!"
It is not that it was something valuable and expensive, but the fact of his waiting so long to get one and then POOF it is stolen. I think that it is ironic. When he tells people about it he gets all hot and bothered and I just giggle at his reaction. Of course, he had to replace it before we got home because we knew there would be snow in our driveway. That is another twist of irony, I think--we did not have any bad weather for the drive, which is about 14-16 hours each way without the potty and eating breaks, until we reached our driveway which had ten inches of snow in it and we got stuck and slid.
Well, that is it for now, I guess. More later.
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