One Honked-Off Baby

Okay, Here's My Deal...
We have reached the point where our youngest son, 9 months, LOVES the bathtub. Tonight he was in here with me and he heard my husband running water and he took off like a shot for the bathroom...he couldn't move fast enough!! When I picked him up just a foot or so from the tub so I could get his clothes off, he began to cry and cry and cry. Then, when he just had a diaper on I put him on the floor so I could gather a few toys for him and he cried so hard he didn't take a breath--those of you with kids know what I mean. You would have thought I had cut off his arm he was so honked off!! But he eventually got his bath and all was right with the world. Herei s his take on the matter:
nhb n bb n ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yhm m vh ;'
m nj ynn z
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