Lights, Camera, Action!

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Today I had a date--with my oldest son, who will be 4 in May. All four of us loaded into the van and went to the mall. My husband and the youngest went their way and my oldest and I went to see a movie. We went to see Veggietales: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. Between the two of us, we ate an entire large popcorn, drank a large lemonadeand ate a box of gummy Jolly Ranchers.
It was a fun time. I did not go to a lot of movies growing up until I went to college, but the few I went to hold fond memories for me.
- My parents and I went to see Benji. I cried for him and also had a crush on the bad guy.My dad took me and a friend to see E.T. I had a crush on Elliot's brother.
- My mom and I went to see two movies together: Grease, after we went out to have supper, and Porkey's--that was a little weird...we obviously did not know it was going to be like it was.
- All four of us, including my younger brother, went to see a rerelease of Bambi. My brother cried.
- My grandma took me to a movie once, but I don't know what it was--I just remember that they showed a nature film first instead of a cartoon and I was pi$$ed.
- A friend and I went to see Amityville Horror. I had a hard time climbing my stairs to go to bed that night, afraid I would fall into a bunch of blood.
- My mom, brother and I went to see Gremlins. I remember a lot of people walking out because it was so gross for some of the litter was not long after that movie PG-13 ratings began.
- The three of us also went to see Pee Wee's Big Adventure. There were two other people in the theater and I laughed the loudest of everyone in there.
- My first date was to a movie. I was a freshman in college (I was a late bloomer) and I went sort of as a pity date for this poor guy. I had a good attitude until his friend showed up in a pickup with a date and I rode in the back--in the winter--on the truck bed. The movie was Pretty in Pink. I had a huge crush on Andrew McCarthy and wished I were on the date with him. I was so upset about being there I didn't remember any of the movie. It was years later wehn I rented it that I finally actually saw it.
- Finally, this was in college, too--a friend and I went to see Dead Poet's Society (one of my all-time favorites ever) and snuck in a pint of ice cream each and beer. Thanks to my grandpa's old trench coat I wore for a semester.
Anyway, there you have it. Cinematic memories. Good times.
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