Bag Lady

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Ladies, you will understand this. I wanted to find a purse today. Next to shopping for clothes (I am a chunky lady) this can be the most frustrating thing for me to select and buy.
Well, I looked and looked and looked then looked some more at Wal-Mart and finally found one that I thought would work and was within the price range I am willing to pay (I am also frugal...well, honestly, cheap!)
Then, we went to Target for something my husband needed and just for gits and shiggles, I thought I would look at their purses. Lo and behold, there was one that I really liked and was just $2 more than what I had paid for the one I felt like I had settled on. I went ahead and bought it and will just take the other one back tomorrow after church when we make our Sunday Wal-Mart run.
Anyway, I thought this was blog worthy because this purse is HUGE. Like twice the size of what I normally carry. When my husband saw it he said, "Good God!" and then when we checked out, he said, "Don't forget to put your suitcase up here." And, it is also a little bit girly-girl for me.
So, tonight, it is the switching of the purses...a deal in and of itself, right ladies? Can I get an Amen?
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