
Okay, Here's My Deal...
I am not a coffee person...unless I add tons of milk and sugar. Hot tea is my game. But, I do like Burger King's Mocha Joe Iced Coffee and I do like cappucino, or as one of my summer school students a bjillion years ago called it, caaaaaaaaaap-UH-cino, but lately, I have found myself a new hot beverage called a steamer--which I like because there is no caffiene, a plus since I am nursing, although a little of the caff is okay. My favorite, well, thoe only kind I've had, is caramel...with a splash of half-and-half in it to cool it a little. Today is a good day for it. Cold, windy, snowy. But, I am about to go get my boys from the sitter and I don't want to haul in anything extra, so I will just haveto wait for another day. Perhaps tomorrow on the way to school I can get one. We will most ikely have a later start due to the cold, harsh wind chills they are predicting tomorrow. We got out early today due to an approaching storm with not much snow, but wind chills and whiteout conditions. Better safe than sorry and besides, we went most of the day and will not need to make this up at the end of the school year.
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