Am I Swimming or Drowning?

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I used a Jesus fish today because I want to remind myself that even if I feel like I am drowning...I have the ultimate life preserver to save me!!
So many things are just hanging in the air right now and I guess part of it is because there are now 13...count-them...13 days of school left and I feel that crunch.
- Will I get the new job or not?
- If not, will a new assistant principal here make it better?
- Are we actually going to go through the bankruptcy?
- Does the fever and the crabbiness of my son mean he' sick again or is he just teething?
- Will I ever get my house presentable before the family descends on it for my son's second birthday?
- Will my husband get a different job or will this one calm down enough for him to get back to flying?
- Will I survive the next 13...count-them...13 days without killing a middle school child?
- Am I ever going to fnally have enough faith to believe all of this will work out how God wants instead of me continuing to worry worry worry?
Anyway, that is my deal. Did I menation that there are only now 13...count-them...13 days of school left?!?!?!?!?!?!
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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