Madam I'm Adam

Okay, Here's My Deal...
In math and language, there is a thing called a palindrome. An example is the title of this entry. It is something that is the same when read forwards or backwards. A number example is 41214--which happened to be the last palindrome mileage that our van read this morning. Anyway, my fried in Ohio can attest to the fact that I think it is sort of cool to see that kind of number on the odometer (it's just the math geek in me) because she is the same way (it's just the science geek in her). Well, I have recently explained to my husband what a palindrome is and, gee, now he actually looks for them, too, while we are driving!! Tonight when we picked up the boys from the sitter, the odometer read 41216 and he actually went, "Aww, we missed it!" I just thought it was a sweet sort of thing (in an admitedly geeky sort of way) for him to notice. I joked and said, "I am so proud I cold cry," then sniffed. I like ot think he does the same things when I say something or notice something that relates to flying. Hey, you don't know us, so back off--don't look at me in that tone of voice!
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