Like Mother Like Son

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Most people who know me would be quite shocked to know that I have a temper on me that people have rarely seen. That is because I rarely show it when there are people around. It usually suraces when I am alone--then it is a hair trigger and quite ugly. Well, our ten month old son has really started to show that he has not only inherited his looks from me (at least that is what everyone's not my ego speaking) but his angry streak.
If you take away something he has or try to block him from getting something you don't want him to have or somewhere that you don't want him to be, he just screams and then if you pick him up his little legs just get to kicking and he throws up his arms straight so you can't get a good grip on him. And, I know that all kids seem to go through this stage...I hope his is just temporary and that he really didn't get my anger reflex.
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