Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It

Okay, Here's My Deal...
About two years ago I sat down and decided that I wanted to write a personal mission statement, vision statement and philosophy of education. It was for my portfollio when I was applying for a different teaching position. At the same time I wrote a spiritual mission statement. Well, I would really like to eventually be able to teach in a Christian school, so I have been looking on websites to see what all I would need to do to apply for jobs there. Many of them want you to submit a statement of faith with your application. From the samples I have looked at, they look a lot like a spiritual mission statement. I need to really dig deep into my heart and soul to put into words my faith and the things that I believe. This could be an amazing and powerful experience--I just don't know where to start really, so I have a call into my pastor for advice. If any of you who stumble upon this have suggestions, I welcome them.
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