WATER Girl Wants...WATER Girl Needs...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I have been hunting all over for a simple thing: non-carbonated, flavored water WITHOUT any kind of artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda, saccarine, etc. You used to be able to get it...but now with all the diet rage and the carbs-will-kill-you-even-if-you-say-the-word-carb fad and the "healthy" no calorie, no fat blah blah blah...you can't. Not everyone wants to resort to chemicals in their drinks. So, for a long time I have been complaining that I can't find a simple, flavored water without all of that junk. Someone suggested Propel water...but it has caffiene. If I wanted caffiene, wouldn't I just drink a pop or coffee?!?!?!?!?! I mean, come on--DUH.
Today...sweet, sweet today, I finally found what I have been looking for (sorry, Bono et al, I can no longer say I still haven't found what I'm looking for) for what seems like an eternity. I swear, I heard angels or something going, "waaaa..." and spotlight hitting it when I saw it...just like in the movies. It is called, simply enough, FRUIT WATER and it is made by Glaceau. I found it in my local corner Jet Stop gas station and I paid $1.39 for 20 ounces of peach flavored water with absolutely no artificial sweetner. I proudly consumed the 20 calorie per serving beverage with 5g of carbs. It was absolutly awesome. There is also grape (YUMMY) to delight my taste buds...and lime (BLEH)...and raspberry (double BLEH)...I did not see, but hope there is lemon (YUMMY)
Now, here is a bonus tonight--a predicted deal I will have in the not too distant future...
I predict that I will really like this stuff and then BAAM!! It will be pulled from the market. Just like everything else I start to like, they go and remarket it or simply stop making it. Mark my word. What a deal that will be...
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