What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Kibble Katastrophe, Potty Pursuit and Et Cettera

Okay, Here's My Deal...

(Finally, some might say...)

Let me just say that life with an almost 2 1/2 year old is quite intersting and some days my head feels like my graphic--but I wouldn't change it for anything. His vocabulary and abilty to put words together now is just incredible. UMBRELLA...knows the word and says it when he sees one, but we haven't taught it to him. Amazing. Stuff like that is so cool. And memory like an elephant. That can be good and it can be bad. Anyway...

Kibble: Last night, I was getting food for the @#$%ing dog (did I type that out loud?) and he wanted to help. So, I gave him the bowl to carry to the kitchen--somehting he's done a few times--and it starts to tip. Of course, his reaction time and stunted by his fascination with the "Kibble Kascade" in front of him and instead of pulling back the bowl, he leans forward more to watch it fall out. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but being the good boy he is, he did help me small handful by handful clean it up and put it back in the bowl.

Potty: Today, we go to the church's nursery to pick him up after services and the lady who was working there with her husband today said, "I hope you don't mind but G took him potty." To which we replied, "What?! Did he actually go?" "Yes. Is that okay?" "Sure. Wow." " He kept saying potty potty and we didn't want to not take him in case you were working on training." Well, we haven't been really, but there have been times at home, but mostly out when he will say potty and we take him and put him on and he sits there for all of about 5 seconds and announces done and gets off about 5-10 seconds later and flushes...but today is the first day he actually went potty on the potty. It is ironic, too, because friends of ours were here this weekend for a wedding and told basically the same story about their almost 2 year old daughter and her church nursery.

Et Cettera #1: The pregnancy is progressing nicely...except for the gagging when I brush my teeth!! that I could really do without. Still has not made me sick, but am just waiting for that day to come. This morning, I got the added pleasure of bleeding gums to go with the gagging. Great fun. I am 14 weeks today and we heard the heartbeat at the last appointment. Next month we go to have a level II ultrasound done, but we are not going to have any other genetic testing done. We would not abosrt for any reason anyway, so why bother? Besides, there are too many false positives out there for me to be comfortable with it to begin with.

Et Cettera #2: My husband begins his new job on November 6th. I for one could not be happier. He is understandable a little nervous getting out of his element where he's been for 9 years, but is also excited for a new opportunity. Set hours, no weekends and no mandatory overtime...wondering when he will get home or when he will have another weeked off. The commute is less than a mile compared to 20 miles...and despite being started at a salary a little below what he was making, he will make that up in saved gas money and wear and tear on the car. Not to mention wear and tear on his body and mind and marriage.

So, there, I have updated and hopefully will have made a couple people happy with that. I will try to get on here a little more often...but this first trimester has had me worn out, so maybe now I won't be so tired.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Is He Still Alive?

Okay, Here's My Deal...

First, let me say that I know there are ways that I can improve as a mother.

So, we were at a local elementary school playground today having fun. A couple of kids rode through on their bikes and all of a sudden CRASH...they boy was down and crying and his sister was back on her bike going toward home. I told her I'd go sit with him until she got back with help. I didn't know what was wrong, but when I got over there, he had just fallen on his knee and scrapped it up pretty good. Surface, no stitches needed or gushing blood or anything. I just sat with him and made samll talk while we waited for someone to come. A little bit later, here came his sister--JUST his sister. She had a bandaid--JUST a bandaid.

He asked her, "Did you tell Mom what happened or did oyu just go in and get a bandaid?"

She said, "I told her, and she said, 'Is he still alive?' and I said, 'Yes,' and she gave me the bandaid."

So, I had my husband get me my son's sippy cup and we rinsed off the scrape and then wiped it off with some napkins from the glovebox and put on the bandaid. We asked if he needed a ride home or if he thought he could ride his bike. He rode home.

Now, I realize it was only a scratch...but how did the mom know that? If someone came to my house and told me my son had fallen off his bike and was bleeding, I would come running just to make sure he was fine. That just irritated my husband and I terribly. I don't get other peoples' deals at all.

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