What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What's Next?

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I am doctored, nursed, and other hospital staffed out. Regular doctors and nurse practioners, physical therapists, OB-GYN doctor and nurse have been my buddies it seems these last few weeks. I have been poked, prodded, heated, massaged, stretched...but I guess that it is necessary to figure out what is going on with me. I am not quite as tired, not quite as sore, but now, in order to figure out part of the problems, a couple others have popped up. Which, is good or I amy not have known about them and it may have gotten worse. Much of it has to do with natural aging and some is most likely stress related. I just wish my body would get back to "normal."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Maid to Order

Okay, Here's My Deal...

We, and by we, I mean mostly my husband with just a little help from me, have spent a lot of the morning trying to get a handle on the pigsty we call a home. We by no means will be done today, but we are trying to get it to look at least tidy. My husband started, but I gladly jumped in. I guess I figure that once school starts, there will be even less time than before to keep things up...so getting a jump on it today and the rest of this week (3 days of teacher stuff and two days of students) and we should be looking good by next weekend. Then it is just a matter of being vigilant in keeping it that way.

In the same vein, I want to make a real effort to keep my classroom under control this year. It is just so hard when I am a traveling teacher--I come and go, drop and pile.

Time for a lunch break and then back at it. When the youngest wakes up and eats, then I think we are going to go shopping, so better get done what we can now.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

Okay, Here's My Deal...

On Facebook, there is this application called Pieces of Flair. Okay, I am the self-proclaimed Queen of Flair. They are these little buttons that you can add to your page or send to others to add to their page. It is a spin off the pices of flair that Jennifer Aniston's character from the movie Office Space has to wear for her job at a place similar to TGI Friday's. Anyway...on to my deal.

I found a flair with this on it:

"Sometimes God clams the storm...

sometimes He lets the storm

rage and calms His child."

Well, this is where I am. I emailed my pastor the other day basically whining and being an eeyore about everyhting going on with me and with those that I love. Maybe this is what God is doing with me. Don't know, but I hate it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reach out and touch someone

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Years ago there was a commercial for one of the phone companies that had a jingle that said, "Reach out, reach out and touch someone. Reach out, reach out and just say hi." Well, today, my heart was touched by a phone call.

My post from May 6 told about my being denied paid time off to be with my dad and help my mom right before my dad passed away. Well, now that I have signed my contract and know that I have a job, I sent a letter to each of the school board members telling them what happened. I didn't really expect any kind of response--they stereotypically don't want to get involved in issues, or micromanage as they call it.
Today, I got a phone call from the president. No, not W, but the school board president. He was so nice. He said that he was sorry for what had happened and he felt it should have been handled differently. He said there are just times when you have to do the right thing and that the right thing had not been done. He said that was his opinion and that it wouldn't change what had happened, but he would be sure to bring it up with my superintendent whether any other board member did or not. He was quite sincere and it made me feel good.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Okay, Here's My Deal...

The last few weeks of this summer have, well, to be honest and blunt, sort of just sucked skunk a$$.

I am so torn about school starting. YAY for routine and order. BOO for being away from my boys. I know that I am not physically ready for school. I have gained back almost all of the weight I lost after my pregnancy. I know a lot of it is related to stress, but some may be due to the borderline low thyroid level and anemia I have dealt with the past few weeks. My ankles are just killing me--yes, the extra weight doesn't help and I am wondering if there isn't a bit or arthritis going on there. At least my headaches have been fewer these past few days.

I can't get out of my funk. Now, I have to start physical therapy because my insurance company doesn't want to pay for an MRI. Just what I need--trying to fit in PT three times a week now that school is starting. Could it have been a few weeks ago when I had the entire days free? Nooo. With our oldest son starting preschool in a few weeks, that just throws a wrinkle in that as well.

I just feel like a big whiney eeyore baby wimpy McWimpface.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Scratched CD

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I was going to call this "broken record" but I had a hard time finding a graphic for record with a penguin, so I went with the times.

Anyway, all I seem to say to my 4 year old is, "Get that out of your mouth!" My 15 month old puts less into his mouth!!!!!! You name it, it goes in and he chews on it:
  • popsicle stick
  • watergun hole plug
  • his comfortor edge
  • straw
  • plastic blocks
  • pencils
  • lids from bowls
  • assorted action figure body parts that have fallen off
  • coins
It is driving me crazy. I hope this phase gets over with quickly.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Balancing Act

Okay, Here's My Deal...

The other night we were done with supper and the youngest was still in his high chair and the oldest was playing peek-a-boo around the chair with him. They were laughing and having a good time. I stepped into the kitchen to help my husband with dishes for a minute when our oldest appeared at the doorway and said, "Come here come here I got to show you something." So I came around the corner and there wasthe youngest, with one leg in the high chair and one on his tray--standing up, almost ready to take the second step. I grabbed him just before he did!!!!!!

We praised and told the oldest how good a job he did protecting his baby brother and we are just so thankful that I got there in time!

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Okay, Here's My Deal...

I am just so #$%ing tired ALL the time lately. I keep getting headaches and sometimes I am achy all over. Low grade temp that never really seems to go away. I guess I need to call the doc's office back and make another appointment. I know my iron level is low and am taking supplements for that. My T-3 thyroid level is borderline low according to three bloodtests in a row...but now low enough to worry about. I guess that can cause fatigue and lethargy. And, if I am indeed hypothyridic, that might explain some other health things that have been happening off and on throughout the summer. Well, I better go--off to bed.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Really, What is MY Deal?!?!

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I just want to know what exactly my deal is, seriously. I think that I am in a sort of crisis of faith again...wondering what God is doing in my life and the lives of the people I love and when He is going to make it clear.

I mean, Dad dying is one thing I am still sturggling to grasp. Not that I love my mom nay less than I loved him, but in all reality, I would have guessed she would have died first with all of her health problems.

Then there is my brother and SIL. They are having issues with having children. And it is really putting a strain on things for them especially in the faith department. It is so hard to understand why God closes some wombs and allows others to bear.

Of course, $$$$ is always an issue...having to get a different car and taking on that payment and Matthew starting preschool this year. Add that to cost of gas, which is thankfully going down--I hope it continues--and food going up. It is insane.

My husband is really starting to organize a new venture that could be huge for him and I am so excited. Really, I am. It is just that I can't seem to get excited about much these days.

I am having some health deals and with school around the corner, well, I hope they clear up soon or they may interfere with school and home. Nothing serious, just a lot of little things all combined with getting older. Not that I am elderly or anything, but I am not a spring chicken.

A couple of other issues I won't even get into on here because it is not an appropriate place.

So I am just a little befuddled and feel defeated right now.

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