What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

Okay, Here's My Deal...

In about 8 hours, we are leaving for a 12 day trip to see my husband's family for Chirstmas. Flying. With our 2 1/2 year old. Entire trip: about 8 hours, including an almost 3 hour layover in an airport.

Other highlights for the trip...I started physical therapy three days ago because I have been having trouble with my kneecap moving on me due to three factors combining together (a) my arthritis (b) loosening ligaments due to the pregnancy (c) a mucsle on the outside of my leg that is trying to compensate for the loosening...and I guess I should add (d) the fact that I am overweight to start with. Anyway, walking can be painful and it is worse if I sit for a while and then try to get up as the new fly in the ointment is that is now almost locks on me when I get up after a while. Now, my ankle is joining the fun--I sprained it about a year and a half ago and it still bothers me some. Guess it is adjusting to how I am walking becasue of the knee.

I just want to be able to get through the airports fine because once I get the the in-laws, I can realx and rest and concentrate on a great time. I just hope I don't bring anyone down while we are there. And I hope that if I don't feel like going and doing something that everyone will go on ahead and not feel bad for me or upset at me for staying behind. I just hate that this has come up right before the big trip.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Great Sippy Hunt...

Okay, Here's My Deal...

We went shopping yesterday after I got home from church...everybody else stayed home to rest and not expose kids in nursery to whatever they had. After finally getting his appetite back from being sick (see previous post) my husband wanted to go eat when wewere done. We picked a place where we could still get our son something bland as his tummy is not quite back to normal yet.

We drove the 20 miles home and both my son and I fell asleep. He got up before me and went for a walk with daddy. When they got home, I had woken up and my husband asked me if I knew where the sippy cup we took with us shopping was. I said no. He kept looking and I thought and he asked, "Did we leave it where we ate?" I said we could have because I knew I did not bring it out with me. He was not sure if he did or not. He looked more andI called the place to see if tehy found one. No.

Now, this was "THE" sippy...the one he uses the most and asks for. For now, he had not even noticed it was gone, but we knew ot was a mtter of time. After much seraching, my husband gave up. I offered to drive bakc to get it. He looked at me like, "Yeah, it is sippy cup." However, he kept searching and pacing and tearing hte house apart and went back out to the van...finally, he said to my son, "Want to go bye bye?"

We loaded up to go back to the place and it was like that scene from Parenthood (an 80's movie with Steve Martin & Mary Steenbergen...if you ahve never seen it, I sugest renting it) when they are searching for the retainer--except we didn't search the trash--we looked inside under the tables and in their lost and found...I walked the parking lot and he drove around it with the high beams on...it was 7 and dark--but no sippy.

We decided to go to Wal-Mart to be pre-emptive and went to the sippy cups and told our son that he had been such agood boy during his being sick and enduring all of the diaper changes and all of the throwing up that he deserved a new cup to celebrate. He kept suggesting cups to him and he looked them all over an finally picked one that he really liked. We bought it and some bottled water and I rinsed it out in the bathroom and filled it up and gave it to him right there in the store. It was quite the production.

Gee, what some parents will do...it was not walking 10 miles and sacraficing your life in a snowstorm, God bless that man...but it is love.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The V & D Show Held Over...

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Since Monday night at 8:30, we have been dealing with the V & D show: vomiting and diarrhea. My son has been hit the worse, but my husband had it too. By Wednesday night, when our son had not thrown up for over 24 hours, we thought we were over the hump, but it hit my husband. Thursday, he stayed home from work, but I went back to work and our son went to the sitter. Later that night, it was back with my son and we took him to the pediatrician Friday. Today was a good day until just a few minutes ago when my son threw up again...it just is going to take some time to get over, I guess. My husband is on the mend, and I, so far, knock on wood, have not shown any signs of it at all. Maybe the prenatal vitmin I am taking helps my immune system a little or maybe God is just looking out for me since I don't need it being 5 months pregnant.

The worst part of this whole ordeal for me is listening to my son beg for water the other night. He was not able to even keep water down and we called the ped to see how best to treat him so he would not get dehydrated. One teaspoon of water every half hour until he was able to keep it down. "mama, more wawa, please." "pleeease, more wawa." It just broke my heart.

I hope we turn the tide soon...I can't stand to see my son like this. He's not throwing up all of the time and he is playing, but when he does throw up, it scares him so much and he just sort of panics despite all of the reassuring we do with him. Poor guy.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thicker Than Water

Okay, Here's My Deal...

My son is sick...some sort of stomach virus. Throwing up...but most of that has passed and we are on to the diarrhea stage now. So, we are limiting (as per the pediatrician) his food and water intake. Talk about heart wrenching...

NO solid food tonight. Popsicles are fine and so are lollypops, for some sugar. Water, Gatorade or Pedialyte once every half hour and just a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half. Do you know how hard it is to deny your 2 1/2 year old water when he is going, "wawa...more wawa please? More please?"

Friday, December 01, 2006

I Admit When I Am Wrong

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I have no problem saying I am wrong...and, well, I am now a believer. My last post stated I would believe that we were going to get a lot of snow when I saw it. Well, I saw it--lots of it. My guess is at least 6 0r 8 inches right now and it is still snowing. Our Winter Storm Warning does not expire until 12, and it is 6:30.

I can say that I am sure it just chaps the hide of my superintendant to call school today. This is his second year here. He grew up in the south and came to us from a school in Colorado.

Since he has been here, we have not had a day called early due to heat despite some classrooms reaching into the hig 80's and low 90's...he told one teacher in a school he visited (out from his air cooled office) "There are some trees out there, take your kids out and sit under them." And, told my rpincipal, if he would find an electrician that would do the work for free, he'd buy ceiling fans for all the rooms that didn't have them.

Fog? Yeah, no calls there either. When bus drivers came back one morning and told him how dangerous it had been, he told them they didn't have to drive that day--they could have refused if they felt it was too dangerous. When they asked what about the kids that would miss school if they didn't drive, he said, "They don't have to come if it is that dangerous." This from the man who says one of our foremost goals is student attendance.

Today is a rare snow/ice cancellation day...we usually go with a two hour late start. I even heard a rumor that during the summer he purchased tire chains for all of the buses so that he would not have to call late starts, early outs or cancellations due to the ice or snow. Yeah, I would have liked to have seen those chains try to work on the 6-8 plus inches of snow this morning.

Anyway, better go wake my husband...he needs to get ready for work. Unfortunately for him, only being 0.7 mile from work instead of 20 like his old job, doesn't really get affected by the weather now.

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