Not Holding My Breath

Okay, Here's My Deal...
My motto in the winter in the particular place we live in Iowa is, "I'll believe it when I see it." Too many times have I heard predicitons of huge amounts of snow and 100% chance of snow and yada yada yada...only to have it materialize into just a dusting or nothing at all. I am convinced that much of it has to do with the fact that we live so close to the Mississippi River and also that the river actually runs east and west through the town. Now, meteorlogically (how is that for a polysyllabic word?) speaking, that may not mean beans, but I believe it has to have some influence.
Now, I also know that predicting the weather is not an accurate science, although I am led to beleive that it is getting better and better each year, but right here where I live, I am not convinced. Not that I could do a better job, nor do I want to try. The forcast here has changed so much over the last 36 hour period that I have lost track of what the latest thing is.
First, today was supposed to be bad when we got up...expect and inch of ice with 2 or 3 inches of snow on, make that 1/4 of an inch of ice and 3-5 inches of, no ice, just a trace of snow, but watch out for Thursday after noon and night!! Snow starting in the afternoon and not stopping unitil Friday morning...10-12 inches....wait, it won't start until the evening and will be done by early morning with 3-5 inches...oh, maybe not until after midnight and ending Friday at noon...we're in an advisory, no make it a watch with 1-3 inches of snow..maybe a, was right the first time, an advisory...but, yeah, better make it a warning wiht 12-14 inches, but with locally heavy amounts...heavy wet, dry light snow so watch the blowing and drifting...positively a warning with 6-10 inches...AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Like I said, I will believe it when I see it.