Bathroom Blues

I became a television and movie cliche today.
We went to a birthday party for my great aunt who just turned 90. It was at an old home that has been fixed up like a bed and breakfast without the breakfast part...people can rent it for parties, meetings or to spend the night in one of three bedrooms. Anyway, we got there before she did and I went to use the restroom.
When I went to close the door, I noticed that there was no door knob on the inside of the door, just the rod that connects the two knobs was sticking out. So, I pull on the rod to close the door and then slid the sliding lock over and did my thing.
When done, I tried to turn the rod to get out and I could not get a good grip, so I repostioned my hand--only to have the rod slip into the door just out of my reach. Now I was stuck. I could not get the door open.
I did not yell because I did not want to cause a commotion right before she got I just kept knocking quietly on the door off and on hoping someone would hear and come investigate. I also figured either my husband or my brother would wonder where I was and come to check.
While waiting, I glanced at the window sill and there was the other knob. I just laughed. After about 10 minutes or so, I heard people whispering to one another, "Here she comes! Get ready!" Then, I heard her enter and everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!" and sang to her. I joined in...from my hiding place.
In a few minutes, my husband knocked on the door and I told him I was stuck and he asked what I meant by stuck and I said, "I can't get out!" He was able to get the door open and then he fixed the doorknob. Of course, he thought it was terribly funny. Me, too. Now--not right then, however.