What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Okay, Here's My Deal...

I live in Iowa and today, after visiting my mom, we drove through Cedar Rapids. It was ravaged by flooding earlier this month. Downstown looked like a war zone and the neighborhoods were just devastated. In one place we saw a roof of a house in the yard--however, it was not the roof from the house that belonged there. We looked around and could not see anywhere around where there was a roofless house. Who knows how far it was carried in the current. People were in their yards and homes, trying to clean up the best they could, but I don't know how. I don't think I could. All I could say as we looked around was, "Unbelievable." "Amazing." "These poor people." There were people all over the downtown area cleaning up. Some with simple respirators, some with full almost HAZMAT looking suits. It will be months if not years before things are cleaned up. My brother and sister-in-law drove though on thieer way up to Mom's and they said it reminded them of New Orleans. They have gone down a few times on mission trips to help clean up after Katrina. Scary and carzy is all I have to say.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It Will Be Things Like This

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Tonight I was a little tired from the day and the week and I realized I had not taken any time to get my husband Father's Day cards from the boys. So, I told my husband I had to run to the store later and he asked why and I said to get Father's Day cards and I began to cry. Moments like that are going to be tough for a while since Dad's death. I had already bought cards for him from the boys and from my husband and me...but of course, I won't get to give them to him. It just makes me sad.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good Folk

Okay, Here's My Deal...

There are still some businesses and people around who have ethics and do right by their customers. We had to get a different car in May and after a huge disaster with one car dealership here in town, we went ot one just down the road and got a good deal and were treated with respect and they worked hard to make us happy.

Well, this morning my husband came in after leaving for work and said the car wouldn't start, but then after a jump from our van it did, but after driving less than a block it died. We are still under warranty from them, so he called and they came and got it. Turns out it was just the battery...but it would be almost $150 because there is only one battery that works in this particular year and model of car and it was about $110, labor would be almost $40. The battery of course, not under the warranty. I told them I'd call my husband. He called them and reminded them we'd only gotten the car about a month ago. Well, they called later and they picked up the tab for us completely!!! What a blessing.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PooPoo Platter

Okay, Here's My Deal...

We had excitement at our home today. First, let me say that a few years ago, a similar incident happened at out old apartment with our first son, only it was his own and again a complete accident--with a little help from a mama who dropped the ball as far as observation goes.

Tonight, our oldest (4) was in potty time when I took off his Pull-Up and put it on the floor. Our youngest (1) came in and while I was looking up at the oldest, the youngest started to gag and spit up some of his supper. My husband thought it was from him playing rough with him too soon after eating. As he picked him up he asked what was on the floor. I looked and siad, oh, it's poop--must have fallen out of the Pull-Up. Well, you guessed it, as my husband looked in the baby's mouth to see if he choked on something, he saw poo residue in his mouth. He brushed his teeth about a million times and wiped his mouth out a lot. Look away for just a second and the quick hands of a baby are all over something they shouldn't have been. My husband jumped on it and said, quite wittily, "Not only did I have to wear my brother's hand-me-down clothes, I had to eat his hand-me-down food...his poop!!"

When the oldest was about the same age he did the same thing. He had been walking down the hallway and I stepped into the other room for like, 20 seconds, and he got really quiet. I looked back and I saw him mashing his mouth around. I saw that there were some little things on the floor that looked like Whoppers...upon closer inspection, I saw they were little poop balls that had fallen out of his diaper.

I felt so, well, honestly, no pun intended, but it is there anyway, crappy, in both cases. My dear friend in Ohio, I think that this incident takes away or at least ties your self-proclaimed title of worst mom after the fingers in the car door situation...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Saddest Thing

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I saw the saddest thing today. My oldest son and I were driving around town doing some errands and I saw a little girl, probably 6 or 7, walking down the sidewalk--by herself, mind you--carrying a large plastic bag full of pop cans in one hand and a six pack of beer bottles in a cardboard carrier. She was about 4 blocks from the redemption center here in town.

Now, a kid with a parent or someone going there together to practice counting or something, but to send a kid that young by themselves to turn in your cans just bothers me. Maybe I am old fashioned, but I just didn't think it was right.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Pick a State, Any State

Okay, Here's My Deal...

It seems that we are in high demand. Our two closest friend couples are not here in our town...well, they used to be and then they both moved. One to Ohio and one to Florida. Both couples, plus my husband's family in NC are dying to have us move close to them. My husband said we should auction ourselves off to the highest bidders and we may be able to go anywhere in the world!

We have made no attempt to hide the fact the we want to get closer to my husband's family...well, not to everyone--we have not really mentioned much about it to my mom. I think she thinks later rather than sooner. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. We know that there are better opportunities for my husband's career, whether that be in aviation or hospitality or whatever, in a larger city than where we are now. Me, I can go anywhere and teach because we are in demand. But, most importantly, we know that there are better opportunities for the boys in a larger setting as far as schools, culture, arts, and other things.

Anyway, I know that my in-laws get mroe and more discouraged each passing year and I don't blame them. They have been hearing it for so long that it probably seems like we are just saying that to give them hope. Actually, we were starting to get really serious about looking for jobs there right before my dad got diagnosed with his cancer. Since we didn't know what the future held, we put that on hold. Now that he has passed away, we are starting to talk more about it. However, we are also being realistic in the fact that we may still be here, so we are looking into preschools for our oldest. If we move, then we just unenroll him. If we don't move, then he is set. I am going to sign my contract whenever the union and the school board settle...if we move, then I resign and they pull my Iowa license for a year--big whoop, I'd be in another state. If we don't, then I have a job.

It is just hard trying to do what is best for your family and also trying not to hurt anyone's feelings. Because friends have moved on and are loving where they are they think you will do well there, too. Parents raise you to have a better life than they did...and sometimes get resentful and hurt when you do...or, think that everything in your life will be better being with them...all in a loving and caring intention, but sometimes only clouds the issue. There is no easy answer and I guess there isn't supposed to be or I wouldn't be typing this, would I?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Inside Hubby Joke

Okay, Here's My Deal...
This little graphic is an inside joke for my husband. Love you!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Just Classic

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Tonight we were flipping through the channels and came across the 70's show, Taxi. I loved it. It just so happened that it was the episode with one of my absolute all-time favorite comedy scenes. Reverend Jim, a lovable burnout survivor of the 60's, gets a job at the taxi company, but there is one hitch--he has to get his driver's license.

So, he sits down to take the test and he whispers to his friends who are there to support him, "What does a yellow light mean?"
To which one of the guys replies, "Slow down."
Jim wrinkles his eyebrows, shrugs his shoulders, takes a breath and says, slower,
"Whhhaaaaat doooeees a yeelllllowww light meannnn?"
The guy replies, after rolling his eyes, "Slow down!"
Jim looks at him like he's nuts, and says even slower,
"Wwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaat dooeeessssss a yeeeeellllllllllowwwww light meeeeeaaannnnnn?"
The guy about comes unglued and repeats, "Slow down!!"
And of course, we hear,
"Wwwwwwwwwhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt..." Then it cuts to the next scene where he has gotten his license and everyone is happy.

I about peed my pants when we watched it because I remember it so clearly when I saw it the very first time it aired. Classic stuff.

Monday, June 02, 2008


Okay, Here's My Deal...

Today, I was on a fact finding mission regarding preschools in town. That's right, my "baby" my first-born, will be going to preschool next year. Crazy atuff. I can hardly believe it is here so soon. Tomorrow we drop him off at the dorm at college--that will happen all too quickly.

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