
I live in Iowa and today, after visiting my mom, we drove through Cedar Rapids. It was ravaged by flooding earlier this month. Downstown looked like a war zone and the neighborhoods were just devastated. In one place we saw a roof of a house in the yard--however, it was not the roof from the house that belonged there. We looked around and could not see anywhere around where there was a roofless house. Who knows how far it was carried in the current. People were in their yards and homes, trying to clean up the best they could, but I don't know how. I don't think I could. All I could say as we looked around was, "Unbelievable." "Amazing." "These poor people." There were people all over the downtown area cleaning up. Some with simple respirators, some with full almost HAZMAT looking suits. It will be months if not years before things are cleaned up. My brother and sister-in-law drove though on thieer way up to Mom's and they said it reminded them of New Orleans. They have gone down a few times on mission trips to help clean up after Katrina. Scary and carzy is all I have to say.