Okay, Here's My Deal...
On Friday of last week, I was home with my youngest who had pneumonia. So, I had been to school on Thursday night getting things ready for my substitute. Now, first and foremost, I did my time as a sub for a year and I respect them very much. And, everyone knows there are good subs and bad subs. And, there are teachers who really are good about leaving plans that are thorough and detailed and those that are not. I like to think that I do a good job of leaving clear and concise instructions and activities.
Well, the particular sub that I had on Friday is a good sub--I have had her in my room before. She has control of the kids and most of the time can roll with the material. However, there are things about her being in my room that drive me crazy. Last year for example she was in my room and I had everything for the day laid out on my tables: lesson plans, textbooks, seating charts, forms, everything that was needed for the day. She left a notes on my notes that said, "I looked for a period and a half for the sub folder." Well, she said she finally found it...however, it was one from the year before and all of the material was outdated--which is why I left everything she'd need on the tables.
Okay, so this morning I get to my room and the first thing I see is everything on my desk rearranged and reorganized. I rarely sit at my desk as I travel to different rooms throughout the day and when I am in my room, I am at my tables with my students, so there was no reason to even sit there let alone go through everything!!!!
Next, on my plans, she had a student's name circled with a big question mark and wrote, "Is he in this section?" Um, well, yessss...probably why I listed him on the sheet. What?!?!
Then, on the bottom where I listed where I do my after school supervision duty, she had crossed off my 3:15-3:25 and wrote "3:20-3:30?" Um, nooooo...school ends at 3:15 and duty is 10 minutes long for afternoon people just like it is for morning people. Huh?!?!
Finally, come to find out that for the class that had the most problems, my study hall, surprise, surpirse, she left no notes. None. Didn't even tell me about the 5 kids that were AWOL for quite a long time...had to hear that from another teacher.
Sounds like the question should be What's Her Deal?!?!