What's My Deal?!
Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.
About Me
- Name: Chelle
- Location: Iowa
I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Almost Too Much
See those penguins?
That is how I feel.
All the time anymore.
Just crabby and baring my teeth at anything that looks at me...not even looks at me funny, just looks at me. Period. That is all it takes.
Good thing I only have 8 more days with my students...they are working my last nerves. Then two weeks off before the c-section and the new baby! That is a shining spot.
It is just that I get so hot in the mornings at school and then that zaps me so much by the afternoon, even though my schedule is light, I am whooped.
Then, because I am so tired, I feel like I am shortchanging my son because I can't interact with him like I used to. So, the brunt of taking care of him falls to my husband and I feel bad about that because he is feeling a lot of stress right now anyway.
There is so much left to do at school before I leave--my lesson plans are all done, but the state of my room is awful. There is no way I can leave it for a sub the way it is, but I am running out of time to do it all. Going in early is an option, but like I said I get so hot...after school I am so tired...so I try to do as much during hte day as possible.
The dog may have impregnated a neighborhood dog...now granted, our dog should not have been out running around loose and we should have fixed him by now, but, does it make sense to you that if you do not want your felmale dog to have puppies that you would either (a) fix her or (b) put her inside or in a pen when she is in heat instead of just tying her up in your yard? But, these neighbors are like the Clampets, but with a little less likeability. So, who knows what they are thinking?
Husband's birthday is tomorrow...have not gotten a card or a gift yet. Had opportunities, but have not taken them. Dork.
Maybe just because this is a Monday I am overreacting.
Guess I better go before I think of anything else to complain about.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Dreaming Dogs and Squeaky Throats
Many strange sounds have come from our home lately. The other night, I was laying down reading before going to bed and I heard a sort of puffing sound from the end of the bed. I glanced down and here was our dog...out cold but twitching his hind leg and puffing out his cheeks. Pretty soon, I heard a little grrr and then another and then a loud sigh. I read some more and heard him grr grr again, so I watched and just then he bared his teeth (still out cold mind you) and let out a low GRRRRRRRRRRR, twitched some more and then he was done. Don't know what he was dreaming about, but he meant business.
Now, the other strange sounds are coming from me. I have gotten this cold (knock on wood that is all it is going to be) and from all of the coughing, I have developed a severely scratchy throat and squeaky voice. Couple that with 3 and a half hours of parent teacher conferences last night and I sound just peachy today...ready for 3 more hours!
A note to my Ohio cohort...I also did the NCAA thing at school. I am about 148th out of 220 entries, so I feel your pain.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Little Things...
Okay, Here's My Deal...
It just seems that little things keep happening this pregnancy, making it so different from the first. Here are justa few of the things I have noticed/expreienced this time around:
- I am so much more hormonal this time andI cry so much easier at anything--last time I was hardly like that.
- My arthritis actually flared up in my knees this time about mid second trimester (but now has settled down and is not even noticeable)--last time it virtually disappeared.
- This time, no hints or signs of carpal tunnel--last time I had it in both wrists and wore braces on them for several weeks.
- I am now on an antibiotic because I have the start of a little urinary, bladder or kidney infection--nothing like that last time.
- I have developed a yeast infection not where you might expect, but rather under my breasts--not last time (I know, thanks for sharing that one...)
- Even though I have not gained very much weight at all (maybe 6 or 7 pounds) I feel so much larger than I ever did last time.
- I am STILL gagging when I brush my teeth, though not as bad--last time I was done midway through.
Just like I said, nothing too major but just the little things that keep happening. Makes me even more sure that the decision to go ahead and have the doctor do a tubal during the C-section is the right one for me. I can't imagine doing this again, especially now that I am 40.
Guess that is all for now...except to ask a fellow blogger, when a new post, there, Ohio Queen?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
You Have Been Lied To
Okay, Here's My Deal...
All your life, teachers like me have been lying to you. "There is no such thing as a stupid question," we all tell our students. Not true.
There ARE stupid questions.
And usually they are ones that are asked not because someone really wants to hear the answer or truly does not know the answer...the person asking the question KNOWS the answer, but somehow thinks that by posing the question they will appear to be thoughtful or wanting to sound helpful...all the while hoping they don't get the answer or response they expect. Those kinds of questions just burn my cookies because they make me feel like somehow I am to blame for your deal whether that is the intention or not.
If that is your deal, do me a favor and just don't ask in the first place or just suck it up and do what you think I want to begin with--maybe I am having a deal of my own at the moment and can't ask my own stupid question of you.