Okay, Here's My Deal...
This week I cam home from school early on Wednesday because I felt crappy, but before I left I wrote out lesson plans for the next day just in case I still felt bad. That way, I would not have to drag myself out of bed to go in the cold dark winter morning.
Well, I did end up staying home the next day but went back on Friday. My first class of kids told me things like the sub said they didn't have to do the assignment and they seemed like they had no idea what was going on. I just assumed it was a "Mrs. H is gone and we don't have to pay attention to the sub" thing and I was pretty crabby with them for making excuses and not being responsible students and told them they were much better than this.
I am what is called a traveling teacher...I have to go to different rooms to teach for some of my classes that are too big for my actual room/office. Well, after I chewed on the kids, the teacher whose room I use told me that ther actually was some confusion yesterday and that I might want to cut them a little slack. I asked why and she told me that the sub had come in and taped the piece of paper I had written notes on to the board and she told the other teacher, "I guess she wants the kids to come up and copy down the notes." The teacher said, "Or, you could use the markers and write the notes on the board for them since this is a big class."
See, I wrote in my instructions, "Please put these notes on the board and have the kids copy them." Well, that is exactly what she did...she literally 'put the notes on the board'...by taping the piece of paper onto the board!!!
I guess in the future I need to be more specific in my instructions.