What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Football Jesus House

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Our 3 1/2 year old has his own deal of saying the word house to describe places.

  • KFC is the Chicken House.
  • Subway is the Cheese Sandwich House.
  • There is the firetruck house.
  • The school house.
  • Chicken Fry Fry House is McDonald's.
  • The Chip House is Carlos O'Kelly's.

That explains part of my post title. The other part has to do with the toy he got in his last Burger King meal. Right now they are giving away miniature NFL quarterback jerseys that suction cup to windows. When he asked what it was, we told him a footbal jersey. He said, "Football Jesus?" We chuckle when he says it and try to correct him, but that is the closest he can come to jersey right now.

I think that if Jesus can forgive people of their sins, He won't mind Matthew playing with his "football Jesus" until he can say jersey!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dee Dee Dee

Okay, Here's My Deal...
If you have ever watched Carlos Mencia on Comedy Central, you know what my title sounds like when he says it. And, he says it to indicate when something or someone is, well, stupid. That was me today in my Algebra class and I actually said it and my kids laughed because I knew the reference.
I did a problem that used the formula d = rt to figure out how long it takes to get from Detroit to Cincinnatti...the answer was 5 hours. My Ohio friend will like this, by the way. A boy goes, "Five hours? Where is Cincinnatti?"
I said, "In Ohio, just like Detroit. Wait--Detroit's in Michigan. Ohio?!?! Geez, good thing I am not your geography teacher! Dee dee dee!!"
What a dork.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grandma Tricky

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Our three year old son has gotten into watching my husband play on his Playstation 2. His favorite game right now is ssX Tricky, which is a snowboarding game.

Well, my mother-in-law has been playing the whole ssX Tricky series for a long time and when the boys at my house play, my husband tells our son that this certain character is the one that Grandma plays at her house. Today, while scrolling through the characters to choose from our son said, "Play Grandma Tricky!" That, of course, warranted a phone call to my mother-in-law. It was very cute.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Too Sweet

Okay, Here's My Deal...

My husband says it is because I am too sweet. Yeah, that's it.

If you read my posts at all with any regualrity, then you know we have a cat and we used to have a dog until it (a) ran away or (b) was dognapped several weeks ago.

Anywho (I really hate that, but seems okay for now) we got fleas in the house. We have put down the powder and vacuumed; we have bathed, flea-collared and sprayed the cat; we have bombed the house. Hopefully, that will take care of the problem. But, on to my deal...

I am the ONLY person in the house that the fleas have any interest in whatsoever!! I am the only one getting bit and scratching. I have bites all over: my ankles, my toes, my feet, my calves, my thinghs, my back, my upper arm, and, YES, my behind--that is an interesting place to have itchy, oozy bites!! It has been going on for weeks and it is getting old. Nothing seems to help the itching and I can't keep my fingernails short enough. The cricket war of last year pales in comparision to this.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Quick Foot and Amazing Feat

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Yesterday, we noticed the cat acting weird. She was staked out by the refridgerator for a while and then she moved to the corner of the cabinets by the fridge. This is after she has been cuaght on the counter for several days trying to bat open the cupoboard doors. So, I looked down and saw her deal.

A mouse!! It ran out from the corner right towards me. I was actually able to put my foot on it and shouted, "A mouse!" My husband shouted, "Where?!" "Under my foot!" and he said, "WHAT?!?!" and came into the kitchen and got it. He didn't want to flush it and he didn't want it in the trash can, so he took it outside and thought he'd fling it into the storm drain on our corner.

He came in laughing and said he couldn't do what he had done again if he tried. He had the dead mouse in a cup and he chucked it but did not see it land. He looked and looked and then looked up and ther was the mouse--caught on a branch in the tree, just dangling there.

The whole deal was weird, but at least we think we know why the cat was on the counters--she probably heard the mouse in there.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Okay, Here's My Deal...

To appreciate this post, you kind of have to read the post prior. Go ahead--I'll grab a snack and wait.

Good, you're back. After my husband got done cleaning and then giving the baby a bath while I did dishes and played with the older one, I nursed and the baby fell asleep. My husband took both boys to lie down while I ironed and ate my nightly bowl of raisin bran and blogged.

So, I went in to check on them and almost cried when I opened the door. All three were sacked out in our son's bed...he on one side, my husband on the other with the baby on his chest. If I thought I could ahve done it without waking them up I would have taken a picture it was so adorable, especially compared to the scene we had a couple of hours earlier.

I woke my husband to see if he wanted me to take the baby and try to put him in the crib and he said he was fine for a little while longer. How awesome that my little guys ahve a daddy that loves to cuddle with them and would be a stay at home dad if we were in a position to afford it.

Blink of An Eye

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Tonight my husband and I, okay, mostly, well, entirely my husband, got a lot of things done around the house as far as tidying up and cleaning. I was taking care of the baby and our preschooler.

One minute, everything is fine and hunky dory and then my husband sat down with me and the baby on the couch. The oldest wanted to race...he stands at one end of our living room and says, "Ready to race?" and one of us says, "ready, set go!" and he runs the length of the room and we repeat it. He had done this a couple of times and the baby was laughing at him.

Then it happened.

My husband made a vrooom noise and it startled the baby and he got the look...you've seen it--lower lip sticks out, starts to quiver, eyes big then squinted...WAHHHHHHHH.

This distracted our preschooler who got to the door quicker and harder than he thought and got a splinter in his finger and he got the look and then...WAHHHHHHHH.

In the blink of an eye we went from harmony and laughter to tears and drama.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

That's Why I Don't Cook

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Tonight, I almost barbequed my family. Poof, up in flames.
Note to self: only broil things in glass or metal pans.
I was cooking a lasagna for supper. One of those you can microwave or bake. The last 5 minutes, I decided I would add extra cheese on top and move the rack up and broil it...I like browned cheese. In the process, I got sauce on my shorts and shirt, so I went to the bathroom to rinse and stain stick.
My husband yelled, "Oh, my gosh!!!" and I smelled it--smoke. I came out of the bathroom to find the house filled with smoke and my husband pulling out the baking sheet with the lasagna out of the oven.
Yeah, the paper container had all singed and was glowing red. A few more seconds and it would have burst into flames in the oven.

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