Okay, Here's My Deal...
I got to thinking yesterday, Easter Sunday, about how people see
Christmas and
Easter. I think things are backwards. Not by the calendar, but by the celebration.
First, let me say that BOTH of these holidays (translation HOLY days...) have been overcommercialized and thusly secularized. That is part of my deal.
Second, I know all that celebrate these days are not born again Christians. That is also part of my deal.
That being said,
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the World. He lived His short life fulfilling prophesies and laying foundations for Christianity. However, it was through His death (Good Friday) and His resurrection three days later (
Easter) that everything was completed...the resurrection is what Christians need to believe in to have faith in the rest of the teachings of Jesus. It is the core of what we believe...to me, the birth is not all that impressive without the resuurection.
So, if that is the case, why does it seem to me that churches and society in general make so much more of a big deal out of
Christmas? I mean, we talk about and plan for
Christmas for what seems like months and months before it gets here...I don't see that with
Easter so much. That is like a week or two before that it gets much "press" or thought.
And...where are the people trying to tell me not to wish anyone a "
Happy Easter" because they may not be Christian and I may offend them? Not that I really want that, but if they are going to make a big hooey over "
Merry Christmas" why not get bent out of shape over "
Happy Easter"?!?!
On that same thought...If I put a gianormous cross in my yard that said, "He Is Risen!" would there be people trying to sue me to force me to take it down? Would they do it if I put it on a bunny or egg? I am just thinking out loud.