What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Friday, April 28, 2006

No Longer the Daddy-Mama!!

Okay, Here's My Deal...

For the longest time, my son called everyone Daddy...even me. He could point to me when someone asked where Mom or Mommy or Mama was and could even say those words...but called me Daddy most of the time. A Mommmmeeeee would sometimes slip out if he was really tired or scared.

Then, I evolved in to the Daddy-Mama. He'd see my husband and go Daddy and then look at me and go Daddy-Mama!! I felt very honored...thought maybe even Richard Gere would seek me out for advice (you know, like the Dali Lama...never mind)

Finally, I am now Mama about 90% of the time. I know it's not a huge thing, but it is music to my ears.

Is it next Thursday Yet?!

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I have an interview next week with the school district I applied to forever and a day ago!! It is not the position I applied for originally, but rather one I am a little more qualified for...actually, there are TWO openings and I will interview for both.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Faith...it's that simple & complicated

Okay, Here's My Deal...

FAITH. Very simple concept. Very complicated right now for me.

I have faith...at least I like to think I do. I am a Christian...my whole belief system is based on having the faith that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, is the Son of God, died for me on the cross and rose again. I believe that with my whole heart. And, I beleive the Bible to be the true and inspired word of God. And what God has to say about faith is all true. I just don't know if my human heart has the kind of faith I need right now.

My friend andI were talking about this the other day...we know what hte Bible says about tithing (in case you do not know...it means giving God His share...10% of everything) and believe that it is the right thing to to. But are we able to have faith enough to do it right now? No. Why? Because how can you tithe when you don't have enough money for bills?

But there are those miracle stories of people who have nothing and still tithe faithfully and miraculously...they are taken care of by God and are blessed. I know it is true. I know people who have done this. If they do it and it works for them...why can't I get over the fear of what will happen if we do? WHERE IS MY FAITH FOR THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why can't I make the leap and trust Him for this if I trust Him for other things? Or do I really trust at all? This is a scary thing...lots of questions. Lots of prayer.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Need to Vent...

Okay, Here's My Deal...


Okay, I feel better now...for a while anyway.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Okay, Here's My Deal...

One of the teams at my school decided to have a big event for their students today...if students were deemed to have been trustworthy and reliable and responsible for the majority of the year and they paid $3...they were eligible to go to on a team trip to an indoor amusement facility in a nearby city. Once there, they got a swipe card worth $8 to play games and do Go Carts and Lasertag etc. School kicked in $4 in addition to the $3 the kids paid and the facility kicked in an extra $1. When they got there, they got all the free pizza and pop they wanted. It was for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon.

The kids who were not deemed to have been trustworthy and reliable and responsible for the majority of the year were expected to come to school for the day and simply stay behind with a teacher for the afternoon and work on any homework they had not done or read or whatever. Parents were informed two days before the trip if kids were unable to attend. There were only about 10 kids who did not make the cut as opposed to the roughly 110 who did.

All but 3 of those ten kids were called in to school as being excused for the day!!!!! Parents and guardians actually called the school to say their kids were either sick, had appointments or whatever so they would not have to take responsibility for being jerks the rest of the year... NO WONDER the kids are like that if parents are going to make yet another excuse for them!!!!!

One parent even said she might just take her son and two of his friends that also could not go to the facility for the day on her own. She did not, but the very idea that she might do that just floored me. Did not surprise me after 15 years of teaching, but just floored me anyway.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You HAVE to go to school...you're the teacher!!

Okay, Here's My Deal...

It is getting to THAT time of the school year. No one, including the teachers really want to be there. The weather is nice, it is daylight longer, we have spring fever.

Kids are really starting to get on my nerves. Basically, the ones who have already shut down with still 6 weeks to go, especially if they are particularly gifted or bright. In the teaching arena, when we deal with kids like that who are in eighth grade, we say they have eight grade-itis: sick of middle school and already thinking they are the big dogs going to the high school...all the while not realizing that they will be eaten alive when they get there:

1) By the older kids who really are the big dogs
2) By the teachers, who have more leaverage...their classes count for real credit and "matter"
3) By the administration, who really do crack down on discipline and nip things in the bud.

I would love to be a little mouse in a corner when some of these kids get there and finally understand that we, their teachers here, were not lying when we said it would be a rude awakening next year.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Maybe We've Got It Backwards

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I got to thinking yesterday, Easter Sunday, about how people see Christmas and Easter. I think things are backwards. Not by the calendar, but by the celebration.

First, let me say that BOTH of these holidays (translation HOLY days...) have been overcommercialized and thusly secularized. That is part of my deal.

Second, I know all that celebrate these days are not born again Christians. That is also part of my deal.

That being said, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the World. He lived His short life fulfilling prophesies and laying foundations for Christianity. However, it was through His death (Good Friday) and His resurrection three days later (Easter) that everything was completed...the resurrection is what Christians need to believe in to have faith in the rest of the teachings of Jesus. It is the core of what we believe...to me, the birth is not all that impressive without the resuurection.

So, if that is the case, why does it seem to me that churches and society in general make so much more of a big deal out of Christmas? I mean, we talk about and plan for Christmas for what seems like months and months before it gets here...I don't see that with Easter so much. That is like a week or two before that it gets much "press" or thought.

And...where are the people trying to tell me not to wish anyone a "Happy Easter" because they may not be Christian and I may offend them? Not that I really want that, but if they are going to make a big hooey over "Merry Christmas" why not get bent out of shape over "Happy Easter"?!?!

On that same thought...If I put a gianormous cross in my yard that said, "He Is Risen!" would there be people trying to sue me to force me to take it down? Would they do it if I put it on a bunny or egg? I am just thinking out loud.

Monday, April 10, 2006

For Such a Time as This...

Okay, Here's My Deal...

My pastor's message yesterday was timed perfectly...I think it was meant to be in my life for such a time as this...you know, I may need to go back and reread the Book of Esther in the Bible for inspiration because that verse keeps coming back to me over and over (for those of you who are not Christians, that whole thing may have escaped you. Esther was a woman in the Bible who ended up doing great things for her people...but she had to wait and learn and be trained by God the the right moment in time, or "for such a time as this")

Even before he really got into the message, I felt the Spirit speaking to me about being obedient and enduring trials. I spent much of the eveing looking up verses to do with these things. I found both Deuteronomy 4:30, "When you are in tribulation and all these things are upon you, in the latter days you will turn to the Lord and be obedient to His voice." and James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive e the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him." to be helpful to my current situation.

I received a directive from my superintendant on Friday and at first, boy let me tell you the things that could have come out of my mouth would not have been pretty...However, God must have known it needed to be silenced right then and there knowing that I would hear the service today and study those verses and apply them to the situation...It doesn't mean I am now happy to be under this directive, but it means that I am at peace with having to experience it because I know I will grow closer in my relationship with God as a result.

Is it okay that I would rather this particular cup be taken from me...but that I have surrended myself to His will and allowed the peace of the Spirit to come upon me and make me ready? I thnk so...even Jesus asked to have His cup of dying for for the sins of the world to be removed, but surrendered to the will of His Father and accepted His destiny.

As I have paid lipservice to before but am coming to faithfully believe, I need to stop spending my time, resources and enrgies on some light at the end of some tunnel...because I know THE LIGHT and He is here with me now. By that I mean that I know Jesus Christ and believe in Him as my personal Savior. I hope you do, too. It is an incredible thing.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Christian Wrestling Names, Part II

Okay, Here's My Deal...

If you have not read Part I, please scroll down to the previous post. It is a little better.

This is Part II...I don't find it nearly as humorous as the first...but I like #4 the best!!

The Top 5 Evangelical Christian Wrestlers(Part II)
5. Punches Piledriver
4. Painin' Abel
3. John the Whaptist
2. The Bad Samaritan

and the Number 1 Evangelical Christian Wrestler...
1. Jesus That Hurt

Friday, April 07, 2006

Christian Wrestling Names

Okay, Here's My Deal...

If I offend any fellow believers out there, I apologize upfront...however, I thought this was a stitch Boy did I need it after the past few days of school!! It says it is part I, so if there is a Part II, you'll get it, too!!

I got this from the Top 5 website I have on My Yahoo:

A group of evangelists are trying to use wrestlingas a way to spread the gospel to youths. The groupholds "Wrestling for Jesus" shows, in which theyperform in masks and tights and have biblical names.

The Top 5 Evangelical Christian Wrestlers(Part I)
5. Apostle Creed
4. Wrathsheba
3. Clouting Thomas
2. The Ecclesiasskicker
and the Number 1 Evangelical Christian Wrestler...
1. Mary Manglin'

I personally would like to see the match between Wrathsheba and Mary Manglin' Clouting Thomas vs. The Ecclesiasskicker might be good, too!!

Anyway, as I said, this is just the perfect thing to pick me up after the last 2 days at school. No need to go on.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good New and Bad News

Okay, Here's My Deal...

BAD NEWS: I am not going to get the job that I applied for in the neighboring school district. there was a mistake in the posint and the district had to repost...then they had to cut an elementary school position and that teacher qualified, so they had to reassign her.
GOOD NEWS: There is still hope for the other job I applied for in their district. Will keep you posted.

GOOD NEWS: I got a couple days off of school this week.
BAD NEWS: I am sick, that is why.

GOOD NEWS: My son is in a toddler bed!! We switched about two weeks ago because he was escaping his crib and we felt that it would be better to roll out of bed a few inches rather than fall almost three and half feet.
BAD NEWS: Even though most night he stays put and sleeps there all night, there are nights like last night where he is up and out almost ever hour to hour and a half...not particular reason except he wakes up and knows he can walk into our room.
SECOND GOOD NEWS: There are moringins when it is aobut an hour before it is time to get up when he trots into our room and we let him stay and snuggle with us until it is time to get up and get going. That makes for a good day.

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