What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Masochist in the Making?!?!

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Yesterday was doctor day: both boys had their checkups. One was for 3 years and the other for 2 months and they were scheduled for the same time.

They called us back and the first stop was to get the older one weighed and heighted. He would NOT get on the scale to be weighed for anything. He got his feet on, but would not let go of my husband. Luckily, the room scales for the babies go up to 60 pounds so he could get it done there and then they just stretched him out on the exam table to mark on paper his height. Three years old and 40 inches (that is 95th %tile) and 42 pounds (that is off the charts) holy buckets. Here is the kicker though, and why I titled this as I did...the nurse explained to him that she needed to get blood from his finger to check it and that she was going to prick it. I looked at my husband and he at me as if to say, "Oh, crap, this is not going to be good!" But noooooooo...he sat there and watched he do it and then squeeze his finger to get the blood into the tube without so much as a wimper or a squirm!! Wouldn't let them weigh him on a scale, but poke him with a needle and squeeze blood out of him and he is fine, just fine. How weird is that?! He even let the nurse take his blood pressure, first time ever, I think because she told him it was like a big hug for his arm. And, bless his heart, even though he is not potty trained, he tried to pee in a cup for them, but he couldn't.

The little one was fine, too. Two months and 12.25 pounds and 23.25 inches (both at the 50th %tile) He got his first round of shots and that honked him off a little, but as soon as he got dressed and I picked him up again to cuddle, he was fine.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stormy Weather

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I know...that's not a penguin. There is usually a penguin for my graphic, but I thought this one suited my post well.
Today was one ofthose days. Our entire family took a nap at basically the same time today, not intentional, but it just worked out that way. So, we were sort of lumps on the couch like our cat was one day back in May.
Last night there were storms brewing around us, in fact we were under a tornado warning for a while, but nothing came of it but a littel rain. We usually have that happen--lots of threats of bad weather but then nothing materializes. What did materialize was a bit of a misunderstanding that turned into a big storm in the household, but with a little time and some talk today, that also blew over and was not a big deal in the end.
There are threats of more storms later in the week, but as I have said on here before, I will believe it when I see it...we just seem to get so burned by all of the threats of bad weather that never come through. Not that I necessarily want to see bad weather hit us, but I just get worried that something really bad will blow in one time and we won't take it too seriously.
Well, better go for now. The boys are all outside and I am in here being a computer dork.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Me and Mommy Day

Okay, Here's My Deal...

For the first time since I had my second son in April, he wnt to the sitter for the entire dayand I kept my older son at home with me for a "Me and Mommy Day." I am glad I did and I want to do it more often--at least once a week.

He slept in and then we played in his room for a while and then went to the park to play. He had fun and played with some other kids. Then we went to Burger King for chicken and "fry fries" with chocolate milk. When we got home, he watched Spongebob and then we went out and played in his little blow up pool and then when he got cold, we came in and watched more Spongebob and had a snack. Now, Daddy and little brother are home and we are all together again. Super day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Okay, Here' My Deal...

My 3 year old wanted to watch March of the Penguins...he likes to see the babies. As we watched, there were a few that had died. He doesn't really know death (how nice to be so young and still innocent to life's tragedies) but knows sadness. He said, "Ohhhh. That's sad." A mommy penguin was tapping at her dead chick with her beak and he said, "Try wake him." I said, "It looks like that, hmm?" He said, in a sad little voice, "Yes, poor baby."

He is also starting to develop some empathy, I think. He says stuff like:

"Sumpin'g wrong?" "Feel better." "What happen?" "Oh, I see."

and will pat your arm or give you a hug as he says them. Too bad more people don't keep that sweet, tender spirit after their toddler years.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Toddler Speak

Okay, Here's My Deal...

My oldest son is 3 and it is amazing ot me that we can have a pretty much complete conversation with him...his little brother is 2 months old and is just starting to coo and squeal and it just seems like yesterday his brother waws doing that.

My husband has been going through all kinds of test to find out what may be wrong with him medically. Two days ago he had a prcedure where he needed someone to drive him home, so both boys went to the sitter and we explained that the oldest had to help look after his little brother at the sitter because daddy had to go to the doctor. We went out to supper later and in the middle of it, he turned to my husband, put out his hands and asked, "Go doctor for Daddy?" My husband replied, "Daddy's tummy hurts and the doctor wants to see why." Which got our son to profess, "Oh, I see, Daddy." It was so cute.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Strange Utterance

Okay, Here's My Deal...

First, WOW, two updates in one day. Crazy.

Second, here is a sentence I never in my life thought I would say, "Should we be concerned that there is blood dripping from our dog's penis?!" Yeah, had to ask my husband that when he came home from work for lunch today.

Come to find out, after a call to our vet, he is fine, we just need to get him scheduled to be fixed. Seems some large dogs can get such powerful erections that they actually pop a blood vessel. Of course, it would happen to our #$%^ing dog.

But, here is anohter utterance heard today...when my husband called the vet hetalkedto the receptionist and she said, seriously and honestly, "Sounds like you need to get him to see a vet."

Really? Gee, do you know how we could get ahold of one? As Bill Engvall, one of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour comedians might say, "Here's your sign!!"

Eventful Day

Okay, Here's My Deal...

This was my day yesterday:

8am...sitter calls to day oldest son has had two runny watery diapers within half an hour

8:20am...sitter calls to report another, so I decide to call the doctor, who wants to see him in the afternoon

9am...I leave with my baby to order a plant for funeral for a friend's father then go to a fast food place for a quick breakfast in the car while baby is still asleep. I order a biscuit but they are out of them, so I get a croissant instead but when they give me the bag I realize I orded a combo with 2 sandwiches. I try to go pawn the extra off on my husband at work, but he is no longer outside and I can't leave the car without getting the baby out and waking him, so I decide to be fat and eat it myself.

12:30pm...as I am getting ready to breastfeed my son before we have to go and pick up the other son, I notice the dog just standing in the bedroom weird. As I finsh with my son, I know why...the dog comeout of the bedroom, penis out, engorged, throbbing, dripping because he is dry humping the air.

12:45pm...I make the kid switch at the sitter and take my son to the doctor, where he is incredibly good, so I tell him we can go get an ice cream cone.

1:45pm...I get my son in the van and try to plug in my phone charger in the cigarette ligther only to find it won't go in because there is a penny jammed in it...normally not a big deal, right? Wrong. In this van, lst summer, the oldest boy put in a coin that blew the fuse and in our van it not only takes out the lighter, it takes out the radio and the ability to shift into gears. Luckily, I knew I could yank hard enough to get it into gear and drive home if I got the penny out, which I did. Once on the road however, I foudn out that the fuse blown also took out the odometer and affected teh air conditioning. So, I called my husband and he said to go to a guy just dwon the road who can changethe fuse for me if he has one in stock in his shop.

2pm...McDonald's for the ice cream. I tell them my order at the drive through, but she doesn't hear me so I scream it at her in frustration. I get to the window andthey ahdn me the biggest cone I have ever see...AFTER I had told them when I ordered that it was fora child and to please just fill it to the top of the cone. They made me another.

2:10pm...the guy fixes the van and luckily, we ahd a spare fuse inthe van and it doesn't cost me a thing.

2:15pm...back to where i came from to go to Wal-Mart as both boys were out of diapers. I find a spot very close and open my red van door only to have the wind catch it and knock it into a white car next to me...no dent, buta red spot on the paint.

2:17pm...we have pulled into a new parking spot in Wal-Mart.

2:45pm...I got the the game room to play air hockey with my son as he has been spectacularly good at Wal-Mart. Put the 50 cents in an we get no puck to play with. I go to customer service to get my money back and it takes the custormer service manager 10 minutesto come and open the drawer for the cashier to give me my money. My son and I play a coupole other games and leave for home.

3:40pm...I pick up my baby at the sitter and we go home. It is nice at home and my husband takes the older boy for a ride and for supper out because he was so good for mommy.

5:20pm...I go to the visitation for the freind who lost her father.

8pm...the dog repeats his performance of dry humping the air and spooging all over our floor.

10:15...I finally get to laugh today when I hear the line, "Who's your puff daddy?!" from the movie Shark Tale spoken by, of course, a blowfish. I needed that.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wrong Question

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I commiserated with a friend of mine yesterday. Both of us have been trying to pray over our families more earnestly and it just seems that since we began this venture, well, things have not gotten better but crappier for our families. We both said we had wondered "What am I doing wrong?" because we are not seeing the outcomes we had desired. To help me answer that question, I called my church today to see if one of my pastors could meet with me to talk. It is a 20 mile drive to my church, so I had timeto think and on the way there, I had an epiphany regarding the situation. It had to do with something my friend said aobut a verse in one of the books of Chronicles where an army was surrounded and they said that as long as their eyes were fixed upon God that they would be victorious.

It then dawned on me that by asking the question, "What am I doing wrong?" I was taking the focus off of God and putting it onto myself and that may be part of the problem...not in the prayers themselves, but in the reflection upon those prayers.

So, perhaps the better question would be, "Am I allowing the full power of God to work in my life through my prayers?" Or, "Am I giving Him enough time to reveal His plan for my life?"

The talk with my pastor was good and reaffirmed to me that I am headed inthe right direction by praying over my family and that in time--God's time, not mine--I wil begin to see the results and feel the guidance that I am so desperately wanting from the Spirit regarding the plan God has for me and my family.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

More than one way to slice a waffle

Okay, Here's My Deal...

As soon as my Ohio friend read the title of this post, she will know it is about her family's visit.

As I said in my last post, they were visiting for a wedding. This morning, we stopped by their hotel to eat breakfast before tehy left for home and we went to church...which we never made by the way because we were having fun catching up and watching the kids play...the title comes from a little breakfast technical difficulty her husband had with the waffle maker.

My oldest boy is 3 and their only girl is 2 1/2. They just sort of looked at each other and were indifferent for a while, then my friend's husband said, "chase him, Mackenzie!!" and it was on. They were tearing around the breakfast area like, well, kids. At one point, they stopped to breathe. My son was against the wall and their daughter came up, pushed him by the shoulders back into the wall and planted a big old kiss on him!! It was so cute...but her father sighed, saying, "We are going to be in a lot of trouble in a few years," and hung his head. Later, after we had gone up to the room (with the kids having the time of their life riding the luggage rack) to let them load up their stuff they had more fun playing in the big bed together.

In a way it is too bad they live so far away...but in a way, it might be a good thing. If they were close to each other, they would tear up the town, I am sure. Between their two little advanced brains, they'd come up with so much chaos that we would be in trouble.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Misery Loves Company

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Had lunch today with my friend from Ohio. She and her husband and two and a half year old daughter are here visitng for a wedding.

It was nice to see that they are having the same types of behavior/attitude issues with their daughter as we are with our 3 year old son. When you are going through the headaches and the stuggles and battles that pepper an otherwise cute and cuddly toddler's disposition, it can feel overwhelming and frustrating and that you are the only one who has experienced this stuff...

So, while it doesn't necessarily make it easier to deal with, it does make you feel better and that you have somehow not done your job when they were younger.

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