What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Force is Strong With This One

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I have a strong-willed personality...so do both of my sons, I believe. There are pros and cons that come with it. Right now, with our oldest, 4.5, we are experiencing the cons.

You've heard about the Terrible Twos. Well, we are in the throes of what I am calling the Fearsome Fours. Tantrums that seem to come from nowhere and at the drop of a hat. I mean, almost Sybil-like. (Literary reference there, from the 70's, for you who are scratching your heads right about now.) How a happy-go-lucky, laughing boy can turn into a tear-filled, hysterical whining, arms and legs flailing creature so quickly just amazes me.

It can be anything from not wanting his little brother in his room or sitting next to him or smiling at him (I think there is a previous post about that a few weeks ago...) or touching something to not wanting to eat or lay down or stop playing something or get out of the van--you never know what it is going to be next or how long it will last.

Calgon, take me away!! (Again, for those scratching thier heads, that is a reference to a TV commercial for a bath product many years ago.)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

How How How Tired I Am

Okay, Here's My Deal...

It is Christmas evening. One boy is sleeping, one is still playing with toys. All in all, this was a good day. We were home, just me, my husband and the boys. They opened presents...and "Santa" scored brownie points with the boys.

The youngest really liked his Thomas the Train riding toy. He can sit on it and move it with his feet or push it with a handle and it plays music. That was the first thing he saw and he liked it so much he had a hard time getting interested in anything else until he saw a Mickey Mouse plush and book.

The oldest one had seen a kit with wooden screws and blocks and stuff the day he went to see Santa. He told him he wanted that. Then he talked about it every time we asked him what he wanted. Well, he got it an he was so excited.

They also opened gifted from their NC grandma and papa and aunt and uncle. Then spent the day playing and fighitng. Playing and fighting...over and over interrupted by a nap mid afternoon courtesy of the younger.

Tomorrow we are off to my mom's. We will spend the night and then have our Christmas on Saturday. Of course it will be bittersweet without my dad, but we will make the day about the boys and that will help.

Well, going to stop now and try to get to sleep earlier than last night. Gotta pack tomorrow and we have a drive of about 2 1/2 hours. Hope your Christmas was as good as ours.

Monday, December 22, 2008

All Wrapped Up

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Another neat thing happened tonight in our home. (See post below for the first.) After both boys were asleep, my husband and me wrapped their Christmas presents. And, as I write this, my husband is putting together one of the gifts for the youngest. He made the comment as I began that he'd still be sitting there in the morning. But he is doing awesome!

Since we are not going to NC this year, and not going to see my mom and brother & SIL until the 27th (if the weather holds out) this will be the first time since we have been together that we are in our home for Christmas morning. That in itself is exciting. It does feel sort of weird not to be in NC since we have been there for 6 if not 7 years in a row. Before kids, we used to alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas between IA and NC. Once we were pregnant with our first, we started going to NC for Christmas because of my long break from school. Since this will be the first Christmas without Dad, we thought we'd stay here. Not to mention that finances are really tight (preaching to the choir here, I am sure...everyone seems to be in that boat filling with water).

Well, that is about it for now. Two updates in one night--that is a rarity!

Not A Silent Night

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Tonight my home was filled with the most beautiful music--the sound of my boys, my husband and I playing. That's it. Yelling and screaming. Uuuggghhhs and Oooohs. The phfew phfew of imaginary guns. The wuuungh wuuugh of imaginary light sabers. But most importantly laughter. Pure laughter--no thoughts of finances, grief, work, health, just laughter genuine and heartfelt. Absolutely priceless and the best holiday music I ever want to hear.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Not Able to Leap Tall Buildings in a SIngle Bound

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Sometimes, I just wish that I could don a cape and mask and be a superhero.
Then, whatever the circumstance, I could make it better...something I can't do now, no matter how much I want to. Sometimes, though, I know that people have to work through their own deals in their own way and time in order for healing to happen and happiness to return.

It reminds me of a story I read about a guy who saw a butterfly struggling to get out of it's crysalys or cocoon. He felt bad and wanted to help, so he peeled away the remains and the butterfly got out. However, the man soon realized that he had made a grave mistake. The butterfly was out, but was unable to fly and soon died. You see, the butterfly needed to struggle and work its way out on its own because the wriggling and twisting and acrobatics it had to go through to get out, helped to dry its wings and allow it to fly away immediately after getting out.
By not letting the natural events of the butterfly's life unfold, so to speak, the man made things worse for it. The man had good intentions, but in the end, they were not enough. Had he let the butterfly struggle as it needed to, things eventually would have gone the way they were intended to go.

So, I guess as difficult as it is to see another person, especially one you love iwth all your heart, stuggle to get out of their cocoon of stress or depression or anger or hurt or grief and as much as you want to take it all away--perhaps it is best to just let things happen naturally. By that i don't mean do nothing, but be there to lend a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a heart to feel, a hand to hold, arms to hug...you get the idea. Maybe those things are what a superhero does best.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice Baby

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Our area is under an ice storm warning beginning tomorrow noon to the next day noon. IF we get as much as they say, it could be 3/4" to an inch. We only have tomorrow and the next day before we go on break for two weeks. I'd like to see us to go tomorrow hopefully for the entire day--but if the ice starts sooner than expected, we may get out early, which would be fine, too. Then I would be totally okay with missing Friday even though it means we would have to make it up at the end of the year.

What I am afraid of is losing power becasue of hte ice. We got lucky the last big ice storm last year. Almost every neighborhood around us lost power, but we never did. If it were just my husband and I, it would not bother me so much, but with two little ones, that makes a big difference. Tonight we are going to get things ready just in case. We already have lots of bread and milk and stuff we can eat without having to cook it, but I mean gather up blankets, warm clothes and flashlights...you know.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

To the Extreme

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I always joke that if you don't like the weather in Iowa, just wait 5 or 10 minutes and it will change. Today is a perfect example...It is December, at least according to the calendar.
We got home from errand and shopping today about 2. The van thermostat said it was about mid 60's outside and as we pulled into the driveway, the lady across the street was mowing her lawn. My husband had short sleeves and no coat, the boys just had light jackets on.
Now it is a little after 6 and we are starting to get freezing rain and we are under a winter weather advisory until midnight for rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Shoe Shoe Who's Got the Shoe?

Okay, Here's My Deal...

The past few days, my husband and I have spent more time than we care to think about looking for one or both of our youngest's shoes. Tonight, we finally gave up and went to Wal-Mart with him just in his socks because we could only find one shoe. Then when we do find them, or it, we are like, "Didn't we already look there?" Frustrating.

Then, while at Wal-Mart we were looking for a new pair of PJ's for the oldest. He was tired and cranky so it was a bit of an ordeal. Finally, he decided what he wanted and then the search was on for the right size. Uugghh--took a while but we found some, thankfully.

Other things we always seem to be looking for are bottles and sippy cups. It is not like we live in a huge house or anyhting, we just have lots of stuff and most of the time it is not in the right place. Right now we are missing our pizza cutter. That's right, pizza cutter. And not a regualr one, but a big, mack daddy Pampered Chef pizza cutter--not something you'd typically lose very easily. It is probably partying with my husband's gold chain we lost forever ago and my favorite pair of fish earrings.

Well, better sign off for now...I feel the fuzziness in my head that is the telltale sign the pain meds are kicking in and I need to lay down. Maybe I'll find all of our stuff in my dreams.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snooze Time

Okay, Here's My Deal...
My sinus surgery went well the other day. And, I am amazed that I am not one big bruise. Considering that I am a human banana, I really have no bruising to speak of...just a tad around my nostrils. I have had a little drainage from my nose, but no gushing. And, of course, the perk of stuff like this is the percocet. Yay for narcotics. And the drug induced deep sleep that is a result. Finally, as always, my husband ROCKS during stuff like this. He takes care of me and the boys and the house. He is just awesome in every way. Well, I do feel another sleepytime coming on, so I will close for now.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Shopping Mall Jail

Okay, Here's My Deal...

We went to the mall today to see if we could see Santa and get the boys' picture taken with him. Before it was over, my husband was afraid I would be taken to Shopping Mall Jail. (Not to be confused with airport jail, right, Gina?! Ha Ha)

We were about an hour early, so we walked around and did some stuff to kill time. About ten minutes before Santa's arrival, we went ot his workshop and got in line. There was a young mother and her daughter and an older lady in line. The older lady said she was keeping a spot in the line for her grandson and she struck up a conversation with our oldest. Not long after we got in line, more people got in line and there was a grandma, mom and two kids that were behind us. Well, as we waited, they sort of kept nudging up closer to the older lady and us. Soon, they were right beside us. My husband made the comment to me, "I hope they aren't planning on skipping in line." The mom 'behind' us looked at him and she knew we were watching them. Santa came, the first girl got in her lap, talked to him, got her picture taken and then the older lady's grandson got in his lap. We moved forward with the boys because we were next. Then, I hear, from the grandmother behind us:

"Look at that, it's frickin' Christmas and people are cutting in line!" I said, calmly (really...), "Actually, we were in line right behind this lady before you got here." "No, you weren't, we've been here the whole time." Then not so calmly, I replied, "Um, no, we were here first." "Whatever, you're there now!!" And that honked me off for some reason and it was on. "How about we just ask the lady then?!" So I leaned forward to try and get the attention of the older lady, "Ma'am? Ma'am?" At that point, the other lady (who had turned away and wouldn't look at me, I think becaus she knew I was right) said, "Nevermind, just go, we'll wait!!!" "Noooo, if you are SO concerned about being first, we'll do the Christian thing and stand back to let you go!!" "No, just forget it!!" By that time, the other boy was done and my husband ushered the boys right in and sat them on Santa's lap. We got their pictures done and we left. I muttered under my breath that I hoped the pictures of her grandkids were blurry and that they had blinked.

The whole thing just irritated me--I mean, for goodness sake, we did NOT cut in line and she knew it. SHe just wanted to make a big deal. Oh, and another thing, while my boys were on Santa's lap, this lady was on her cell phone, talking to someone and I heard, "Well, we are next in line. Where are you? You need to hurry." So not everyone that was with them was even there!!!!! I mean, come on, lady. Get a grip. I don't know why it bothered me so much, but it did. What is with people?

Friday, December 05, 2008

Ready to Rumble

Okay, Here's My Deal...
As I have stated before, I like my job. The math teaching, gifted education facilitating part of my job anyway. But, I really have issues with one part of my job. Yes, if you are a regular reader (which, honestly, I don't think there are many) you know where I am going with this: study hall. I think any study hall is a waste of a professional teacher's time. Glorified babysitting, really. For some reason this year, they are really getting under my skin. I feel like I am heading into a boxing ring each day and I am the loser...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Here We Go Again

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I have been complaining about my sinuses for a long time recently. I went back to the doctor last week and was not better so they did a sinus CT scan. They diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis. I am now following this routine for them: each morning and night I do a sinus rinse (which makes me feel like I am drowning) then spray each nostril twice with a nasal steriod. I take an Allegra D and my third type of antibiotic (fourth if you count the one that gave me hives)--which I will be on for a MONTH, which means I am eating lots of yogurt to replace the good bacteria I am killing and fend off a yeast infection. I was also referred to an ENT...ear, nose and throat doctor. That appointment was today.

Well, we decided that I should probably have surgery to drain the sinuses...the ones in my cheeks are fine, but the ones around my eyes are thick and have crud in them, the one in the middle of my head is really bad and come to find out, the one in my forhead is underdeveloped.

Also while there, he ordered blood drawn to be tested for food and other allergies. They needed two vials of blood. Normally I am a good bleeder for things like that. Was I today?! No. Here was that deal:

She poked my left arm...it bled for a little bit, then stopped, which was enough for only one vial. The other nurse looked at my other arm, no good...checked my right hand...no good.
Back to nurse #1. She poked me near my left elbow...but I only trickled...so we runied a vial.
Finally, she tried my left hand and that worked--sort of. I bled and stopped. Bled and stopped.

So, I now have three bruised areas on my left arm--because I am still a little anemic and bruise easy, still have a sinus headache and am looking at sinus surgery in a week. Yay me...but I just pray that this gives me some relief. Better go--my son is calling me to lay down with him.

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