Sad Commentary on Our Lives

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.
I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
My oldest son is 3. Since he was about 2 1/2, we started giving him some of the chewable medicines like Dimetap instead of fighting him with the liquids. We started calling it "special candy" and he would gobble it right up. The past few times he has had a cough we have given him the disolving ones. The other night, my husband told him he needed to take his candy and our son said, "No, not that candy. Real candy." And he pointed to the bag of Smarties that I had bought as a stash for my desk drawer at school. He is a smart cookie.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
There are certain things in life that scare a person and , those same things can then scar you for a long time. For me, it's frying and rollercoasters.
I am not much of a cook. And, basically, I don't fry. Bacon, hamburgers, saugage...if it needs to be fried, my husband does it. Before him, well, I bought nukeable bacon and only ate hamburgers if someone else cooked them. See, frying can hurt you. The grease pops and hurts you. Yes, I am a wimp. A few weeks ago, we thought hanburgers sounded good and we did not have gas for the grill. For some inexplicable reason, I said I would do it. And I did and it was freeing. Called my parents to brag. My husband said, next, it is bacon!! Um, no. That is not going to happen anytime soon. Can Guarantee it.
Buchanan County Fair. Can't remember the year. Midway. Kiddie rollercoaster. Or, as I ahve always called it, deathtrap on a rail. I was in elementary school and this thing could not have been more than three or four feet off of the ground at its highest point. But, it was so herky jerky and rickety that I was frightened out of my mind. So much so that it took me a long time to get over it and venture onto larger coasters at Six Flags--but I did. In fact, in Kansas City, I was heard to scream, "Who's your mama?!?!" on a coaster that took me on 4 loop-de-loops. But, I was still the kiddie rollercoaster's bi**h. Well, yesterday, we took our sons to a festival with a midway. My oldest wanted to ride the kiddie coaster and my husband laughed and took his hand. I said, "I'll do it." He asked if Iwas sure. "Yes." and I did it and it was scary but it is the bi**ch now!! Called my parents to brag.
Sometime, I will tell you about wooden bridges...aaauuuggghhh!!!!!!
Okay, Here's My Deal...
I really don't have too much to say right now as I need to get going and help my husband with tidying up the house, but really this entry is just to make him smile anyway. The title of this entry has become an inside joke between us. Hon, you make me smile and laugh at times when I really need to--you are awesome!!! Okay, the rest of you can quit gagging now...I am done!
Okay, Here's My Deal...
In a week, I will go back to school for a new year. I basically have not been in my classroom since my maternity leave, except about three times to grab something I needed. I am also teaching an extra class this year, and have not made time to do any lesson plans for that class yet, so I decided to go in today to work and we took the boys to the sitter.
Well, of course the baby was already up. My husband took the baby and I got ready. Our oldest, 3, had gotten into our bed last night and was still crahsed out there. My husband started to talk to him and tell him it was time to get up and get ready. After a few proddings, he opened his eyes and rolled over only to shut them again. So, I talked to him and the same thing happened. My husband tried again and he sat up, sort of looked at us like, "What the he##?!?!" and then pulled the comfortor completely over his head and snuggled down.
I thought we were going to pee our pants because it was just so funny. My husband said that must have been what he looked like to his paretns growing up because he did the same exact thing to them. He got our digital camera and tried again and got a similar, but not so dramatic reaction from him. We then left him alone and about two minutes later he popped his head out all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to face the world.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
It is the classic repair/installation promise: "We'll be there between 8 & 12." Since you have to be home, that is what you wait. And, it just seems that even though you had nothing planned ofr the day before scheduling this appointment, the moment you know that you can't leave that you want to or find there are things you could be doing instead only not at home....
And, then it is kind of a letdown anyway--I mean, we spent a good chunk of time last night tidying up most ofthe house for this; almost as if "real" company were coming. I say most of the house because, as you know, there are rooms they will never see and you can always shut those doors, anyway. Don't look at me that way--you do it too, be honest. Of course, if we were more tidy to start with...well, that is another whole post. But I digress from the let down part. You do all of this and they come, do their thing and leave--not one moment caring about how your house looks because I am sure they have seen it all and just want to get done and out so the next person who is waiting doesn't have to wait so long.
Gotta go. I have some serious waiting to do because it is now 8:21.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
Tom Cruise is really not concerned with my life, as he has no clue I exsist, but if he were, he'd be upset. I am going to start some meds tonight for PPD...that is post partum depression if you are unaware of the anacronym. I thought i had "escaped" it this time around (had it with my first, too) but no such luck.
It is difficult because "regular old depression" just makes you feel crappy about yourself as a person, but this makes you feel crappy as a mother and that for me is worse because I would give my life with no questions asked for these boys. I really did not want to go back on meds, but my guys deserve someone who is going to be stable emotionally and be a rational thinker and right now I am not really either one of those things.
However, the fact that I recongnized it and sought help is a good thing. Many women do not.
The fact that my husband is supportive and understanding is a good thing. Many women do not have that to rely on. I know i am lukcy in that regard. He tells me he is proud of me that I am doing something to help myself--but in reality I am helping my sons have the best mama they can have and right now I am not least that is how I feel.
The one thing, well, not the only thing, but the thing I regret most is that I had been told/advised that I could ask for meds while still in the hospital after having my son so that I might avoid delving into the darkness of PPD--but I did not. I thought I was in a stronger place mentally than I was the first time around and simply by "knowing better" and being an "experienced mother" I would not allow it to happen again. Moron.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
If you frequent my blog, you know about the #$%^ing dog that I talk about. Well, last Sunday morning, I let him out to go potty and now, a week and a day later, we still have not seen him. We, and again, if you frequent my blog, this may surprise you...actually drove around looking for him a couple of times but have not found him. We thnk what may have happened is that someone saw him and lured him least, we hope that is what it is because we don't really wish ill of him and hope that he did not get hurt.
Strange thing is that our oldest son, who is three, has not even mentioned the fact that he is gone and has not asked about him at all, so I guess it is not very traumatic for him. The cat, however, hung around his food bowl for a day or so and then she slipped back into her regualr routine.
Okay, Here's My Deal...
It has become increasingly obvious that our son's creativity and imagination are blossoming nicely and I hope it continues. He has been telling us lately who he is and who we are. Spongebob and Patrick are the latest incarnations...he is Spongebob and we are Patrick It is cute and I hope he keeps this kind of thinking for a long time!