What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Can You Mumble a Few Bars?

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Tonight I got a big kick out of my almost 4 year old son. We were coming home from the sitter and he was watching a DVD. The theme song came on and he has seen it so often that he has memorized it, in a totally preschooler kind of way. He sang along, mostly mumbling the words as best he could, but always managing to say the last word or two in perfect sync and clarity. It was just so sweet and cute. It amde me think of how just such a short time ago we were encouraging him to say his first word, just as we are out almost one year old now. It is crazy how time flies.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spiritual Mutt

Okay, Here's My Deal...

My pastor today talked about being a spiritual mutt. He said that he had been baptised one thing, confirmed another, went to a charasmatic college, got married in a full gospel church and had performed in almost every kind of church imaginable.

I can relate to that. I was Catholic, then Catholic Light and then I called myself a recovering Catholic. I spent time reserching the LDS Church so that I could try and win over their missionaries for Christ. I was married by a reformed minister to a Baptist. Each of those experiences, plus others, contributed to who I am today as a spiritual being. I am proud to say that I am a born again Christian...not too right wing conservative, but not really left wing libral...sort of a happy medium.

The graphic I picked to day is a sketch of a monkquin...a hybrid of a pengiun and monkey. That was about the best thing I could find.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Quesa-Diva

Okay, Here's My Deal...
This entry is dedicated to my husband, who said the phrase, "That is blogworthy!" And I agreed.
This entry also requires some background information.
Several years ago, my husband and I were at taco John's eating and a man came in and said to the girl behind the counter, "So what is that quasydilla thing you have advertised on the sign out there?" The way he pronounced it just cracked us up!! We joke about it all the time.
Okay, tonight, we were at Applebee's for supper and I had the quesadillas. Well, the last time I went to Carlos O'Kelly's I had the quesadillas. And, somehwere else we went, I had them, too. When we left the restraurant tonight I said I was glad that I got the cheese ones and not the ones with the chicken because it was just the right amount of food. I added, that I had become quite the quesadilla hound lately and my husband said, "Quasydilla?" I laughed--then he said, "You are a regular Quesa-DIVA!!" We laughed and that is when he said that is was blogworthy.
Well, it was funny to us.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Such a Tragedy

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Not much...I just found out that an eighth grade student from my school passed away tonight at track practice. He just collapsed and they could not get his heart started again. I feel so bad for this family.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Blessings

Okay, Here's My Deal...

I have to admit, as I am sure most parents do, that sometimes my kids drive me crazy. Love them like nothing else in the world, but some circumstances and days just put you right on your last nerve. However, then comes those precious moments that melt your heart and make you swear to yourself that you will never feel negative about or with them again. Of course, you do, that is just natural and if anyone says they never wanted to just get away from the kids for just half an hour, they are lying.

It is particularly during times that are stressful or hard to deal with that kids can be such blessings and not even know it...that is what is awesome about their innocence and youth. I mean, things have been better in my life and the lives of those in my family than they are right now, so I am a little on edge. But knowing that I have two little angels that I have to take care of and to love and to be strong for, somehow makes it a little easier.

The grins and shrieks from my almost year old over the smallest things that to him are so incredibly huge just melt my heart. The imagination and creativity that my almost four year old has right now just makes me yearn for more of that in myself.

Wouldn't be without my kids--good, bad or ugly--for anything in the world.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Okay, Here's My Deal...

I know, another update so quicky. This really is sort of silly and you may wonder why I am doing it here instead of by e-mail to the persons I am really addressing this to. Well, just in case those that are the intended readers of this entry have not read my recent entries about my dad, then I don't want to raise their curiosity or attention by e-mailing them and pointing it out.

Okay, on to the deal...if you are a member of my blood family or a friend of my parents who might see them in the community or have professional contact with them, PLEASE PLEASE do NOT say anything to them that I have mentioned it here. They have told no one except my brother and his wife, me and my husband and his bosses at work. They are not trying to be secretive on purpose...well, yeah, they are...they just want to wait until all the testing the doctors want to have done is done and results are back and decisions have been made.

I would just delete the entries, but with my luck, someone would have already read them. I know, this is all so weird, but if you know my family, it goes wtih the territory. And, I mean that in the most loving way. Really, it honestly is not sarcasm--which I never ever use anyway.

Quadruple Check

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Today I managed to do what I set out to do, it was nice because I was still off for Easter and I took the boys to the sitter and still managed to get them a little early:

  • I went to school and got some stuff done for tomorrow.
  • I went to the doctor and got my med dose upped.
  • I went to see my pastor.
  • I called my couselor and got an appointment...unfortunately, I have to wait 2 weeks, but that doesn't even bother me too much because by then I will most likely know more.

So, even though I am still trying to sift through stuff, I feel just slightly more grounded. I got some good perspective from my pastor about things. I just don't want to get into too many details because when I do things like that, I tend to get wrapped up in them and right now that does not need to be my focus.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mixed Up Inside

Okay, Here's My Deal...

The news of my dad's pancreatic mass has just thrown my insides into a jumble. I don't know how to feel or to act and I am not even sure if I am supposed to know. He has two appointments this week, one a consult with a surgeon to see about having both an upper and lower scope done (this was scheduled before the CT that found the mass was done) and one with oncologists. I am sure that we won't know much else this week, but I am pretty sure that there will be more tests ordered to figure out what exactly is going on and what will be next. My brother is going to the oncology appointment. I am not. At least I don't think I am. I am torn, but only because it may just prove to frustrate me in the fact that I most likely won't have the answers I think I am craving right now. Don't even know if that makes sense.

I just know that I don't know anything and it is drving me crazy. It is spilling over to the people around me as well and that is frustrating. I do know that I am going to call my doctor and see about bumping up my dose of Zoloft for a while. I also know I am going to call my pastor and try to meet with him. And, more than likely I will be needing to contact my counselor again. I also know that my husband will be as supportive as possible even though he is going through his own deal with this. I mean, something like this will affect everyone involved. I can not imagine what my dad, my mom or my brother are going through...not to mention my husband and my SIL and what the boys will go through as this progresses.

Aaaaauuuuuggggghhhhhh!!!!! I have to stop.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Got to Have Faith

Okay, Here's My Deal...
We found out last night that my dad has a mass on his pancreas and it looks like it is starting to spread to other areas...he has not felt good for a long time and he had a CT scan yesterday and it was found. He has an appointment with both an internist and an oncologist next week to try and confirm it is indeed cancer or not.
It is scary and I am trying to be positive...but everything that I have been reading makes it hard. And, I worry about my mom, because her health is not the best, either...she has COPD and emphyzema. And, they are relatively young: 64 and 62.
I also feel a little selfish because I feel a little overwhelemd because I think of the last 12 months and everything that has happened in my life: birth of a child, my husband's struggles with his career and schooling, my upcoming gallbladder sugery, the death of my biological father--who I really didn't know, financial woes and windfalls, root canals, my brother and SIL and an issue they are dealing with, two huge deals with my husband's family that have thankfully worked out for the good, post partum depression...and now this.
This is a time where I really need to increase my prayers and faith in God. He can't control what I don't give to him to control and I jsut need to let some things go to Him.

New World Record

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Every once in a while it is good to get the old ticker going good. Yesterday was one of those days for me. About 5:10a.m. our oldest son cried out for daddy, so my husband went to his room and laid with him. About 10 minutes later, the baby was crying, so I got up and he nursed and I was back in bed at 5:45. I thought, to lay here for another half hour before my alarm goes off will be good. Next thing I know, I open my eyes, lay there for a minute thinking, "Gee, it is awfully brigh in here." I roll over, look at the clock and see 7:35...expecting to see 6:15, and knowing I have to be at school by 8:00, threw me into panic mode. I flew out of bed, went to our sons room and told my husband, "It's 20 til 8, I didn't set my alarm!!" He said, "Go, do what you need to do, I got the boys!!" Luckily I had ironed the night before, and ddin't need to pack a lunch, so I washed my hair, brushed my teeth, blew my hair semi dry, got dressed, grabbed a Slimfast and was out the door by 7:50. I managed to even have time to stop at the gas station and get a cup of ice and amke it to school by 7:58!! I was impressed with myself.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Old New Wardrobe

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I am admittedly chunky. Been that way for a long time. However...since I had my second son, and have been nursing, I have dropped a pounds. Also, since I found out that I have gallstones I have been eating a lot better and that has also helped. I am seeing numbers on the scale that I have not seen in a long time. I am wearing clothes that I have not worn in a long time. Evidently it is starting to show because I am getting compliments at school from many different people. That is sure good for the confidence and and it helps to encourage me to continue to make changes to help the process along.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chip Madness

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Ever since I found out I have gallstones (which, by the way, means I will be having my gallbladder out in about a month) I have been trying to be preemptive and eating better to try and ward off nay attacks. High fiber, low fat...lots of veggies and fruits--apples, grapes, cucumbers, carrots, pears, whole grains--raisin bran, wheat bread, brown rice, crackers, tuna--packed in water and drinking lots of water water water. Well, I have been experimenting with baking my own snack chips made from tortillas--first I tried whole wheat ones with cinnamon and some with Parmesan cheese...awesome! Tonight I tried corn tortillas with just salt and some with Parmesan...they were good, but chewy. I need to bake them longer next time.


Okay, Here's My Deal...
It is amazing how many hoops you have to jump through, mountains you have to scale and stuff you have to sift through to even make an attempt to find a job these days. Gone are the days of a simple resume and cover letter. Now it is form after form of info that is often the same but in a different format on a different page. There are personal references, professional references, references from disinterested parties...almost everything short of a DNA sample--which, I guess in some cases might be required. But, in a way, I can understand it in the world we live in today. But still is frustrating when you are going through it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Deal Come True

Okay, Here's My Deal..

I have been wating for something to happen for a long time and it finally has. I was so excited when I heard about it that if you saw the video surveilance tape from my school on Friday, you'd wonder what I had smoked earlier--I literally did the happy dance in the hall. A sort of one-too-many-Bloody-Mary-meets-Elaine-from-Seinfeld-on-acid-cabbage-patch attempt. Not pretty, but hearfelt and sincere.

You see, my arch nemesis is no longer in power...in fact rumor has it that he is even retiring. Yes, Wild Bill, as I often call him (which is nicer than a$$ which is how I usually refer to him) the department chair from the high school in my district is no longer the chair and this semester he is no longer exclusively teaching the honors classes--where he bullies and humiliates students so much that he ends up with anywhere from 2-7 kids after starting with as many as 20--but has to teach some of the lower level classes. I have been waiting for this day to come for most of my career. I can't believe that it is really happening. Some words to express my feelings:

  • Awesome
  • Excellent
  • Booh-Yah
  • Cool
  • Wooooo-Hooooo
  • Dy-No-Mite
  • Fantastic
  • Duuuude!!
  • Yeah, Baby
  • Exciting
  • Rockin'
  • Shuuuut UP

Okay, I guess you can see that I am pleased to see this happen. Or was I too subtle?!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Burnin' Down the House

Okay, Here's My Deal...
My house smells like burnt BBQ. I guess my husbnad found out that sometimes things catch fire in the microwave. He was heating up a honey BBQ chicken thing in the micro on a paper towel and after just a minute or so smelled something, looked and saw smoke pouring out of the bottom of the door. He opened it and could not see the chicken. It was crazy he said. So now there is an aroma to the house that is very distinct...it will eventually go away, I am sure.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's Going Around

Okay, Here's My Deal...

It is here. The creeping crud that is going around is here in our house. It began with my husband, who is going to the doctor tomorrow. I began a day or so ago. Our almost 4 year old is just getting the cough and our 10 month old is now coughing. You can tell it is that time of year for this stuff because in the halls and classrooms of school you can hear students and staff coughing and crouping. Absences are getting a little higher, too. Hopefully it will pass rather quickly!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Junior Doctor

Okay, Here's My Deal...
A cold has invaded our home. My husband has been hit the hardest so far and he stayed home from work today to try and recoup. Our oldest son was sleeping hard when I was almost ready to go and already ahd the youngest ready. So, my husband said he could stay home with him for the day. When I got home my husband said that during the day our son had been eating some goldfish crackers when he came up to my husband and said, "Here you go, Daddy, goldfish make you feel better." and then gave him a big old bearhug. How sweet is that? He is just so awesome for almost 4. Since I found out I have gallstones, I have been tryingto eat lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains, so I have been packng my lunch for school. Each night when we get home, he checks my bag to make sure that I have eaten all of my lunch..."You need to eat you lunch to get strong and get big muscles." Gee, do you think that he has heard that somewhere before?!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Like Mother Like Son

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Most people who know me would be quite shocked to know that I have a temper on me that people have rarely seen. That is because I rarely show it when there are people around. It usually suraces when I am alone--then it is a hair trigger and quite ugly. Well, our ten month old son has really started to show that he has not only inherited his looks from me (at least that is what everyone says...it's not my ego speaking) but his angry streak.
If you take away something he has or try to block him from getting something you don't want him to have or somewhere that you don't want him to be, he just screams and then if you pick him up his little legs just get to kicking and he throws up his arms straight so you can't get a good grip on him. And, I know that all kids seem to go through this stage...I hope his is just temporary and that he really didn't get my anger reflex.

Babies and Cats

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Babies and cats amaze me. It's almost like they can make their backbones disappear at will. Today, we were in Wal-Mart (if you are a regular reader of my blog, I know that shocks you) and I look down and here is our ten month old, riding in the very front of the cart in the little basket, out light a light all contorted with his neck bent in a way that I thought looked so painful, but he seemed content. We have all seen babies asleep in the most weird positions.
Then there is the "I-love-to-hang-my-head-upside-down" thing. Our oldest, soon to be 4 year old, used to love sitting in the cart and arching his back so he was looking at everything upside down in the cart forever. He'd come up once in a while to get the blood back down and then he'd go right back down. Weird.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It

Okay, Here's My Deal...
About two years ago I sat down and decided that I wanted to write a personal mission statement, vision statement and philosophy of education. It was for my portfollio when I was applying for a different teaching position. At the same time I wrote a spiritual mission statement. Well, I would really like to eventually be able to teach in a Christian school, so I have been looking on websites to see what all I would need to do to apply for jobs there. Many of them want you to submit a statement of faith with your application. From the samples I have looked at, they look a lot like a spiritual mission statement. I need to really dig deep into my heart and soul to put into words my faith and the things that I believe. This could be an amazing and powerful experience--I just don't know where to start really, so I have a call into my pastor for advice. If any of you who stumble upon this have suggestions, I welcome them.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Great Alphabetical Geographical Mathematical Cross-Country Challenge

Okay, Here's My Deal...

Today another teacher and I thought we would combine my math class and his social studies class for an activity. We paired these sixth graders up, gave them an atlas and set them off on the "Great Alphabetical Geographical Mathematical Cross-Country Challenge." They were told that they had been hired by a travel agency to plan a trip for a VIP (very important penguin) who wanted to take his family on vacation with two groundrules:

  • they had to visit cities or towns in alphabetical order
  • they could not visit a state more than once on the trip

It actually went well. They found only one city that began with X. It is in Ohio. Do you know what it is? I didn't. Do you, my fellow palindrome loving science geek Buckeye friend? Well, I am not telling. Grab an atlas and find out--Happy hunting!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

It's 10:00...Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?

Okay, Here's My Deal...
When I was a kid,when the 10 o'clock news came on, there was a voice over that asked if you knew where your kids are. Well, the other night, neither me or my husband could have answered that question. I was in one room and he in another. For some reason, I began to wonder where our 10 month old was. I walked into the kitchen to find him soaking wet and having a blast playing in the cat's water bowl, splashing and laughing. While it was a little gross that he was in the water, it was so cute to see the look on his face--almost like he knew he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to--I had to laugh as I picked him up to go clean him off.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hot Christian Moms in Your Area

Okay, Here is My Deal...
This tongue in cheek entry goes out to my Buckeye friend, her husband and his men's accountability group at church!! (gee, hope I don't get crispy for this...) Actually, in all honesty, I think that a group like that is a great thing for men and for women. There are so many things in the world that Satan has a strong foothold in and online pornography is one of them, that we need the help of our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus to help us to stay on the right path.

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